Vanilla from Bahia and Cerrado Grand Cru from Brazil

Buying and Selling the Rarest Vanilla Beans in the World


Purchase and sale of Brazilian vanilla beans from the Cerrado region and Bahia. A terroir which produces one of the best vanilla pods in the world equivalent to the French Grand Cru . Comptoir de Toamasina is the first vanilla counter to sell vanilla pods from Brazil in France . Arnaud Sion, the creator of Comptoir de Toamasina, set off on the Brazilian roads with his pick-up in search of a new vanilla bean. Cerrado vanilla, a rare and excellent vanilla. 

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Discover the Brazilian vanilla pod - a rare vanilla

Discover the Brazilian vanilla pod - a rare vanilla Specialist in importing the best vanilla beans from Brazil from the Cerrado Grand Cru of excellence

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This is a vanilla bean that has three curies, there are 4 different species of vanilla in the savannah region.

  • Bahia Vanilla
  • Vanilla Chamissonis
  • Vanilla Dubia
  • Vanilla Pompona
  • Vanilla Planifolia

It joins vanilla can be up to 30 cm. Yes, 30 cm.

It takes 9 months for the vanilla to grow after pollination.


Cerrado vanilla, its scientific name vanilla edwalli or banana vanilla, comes from yellow orchids.

The pod is the fruit of the orchid. It is an elongated vanilla that resembles a banana. It is joined with vanilla pod when it reaches maturity it becomes oily.

A vanilla pod that goes off the beaten track - To get to the plantation only a dirt road

 A vanilla pod that goes off the beaten track - To get to the plantation only a dirt road

Vanille du Cerrado - Une récolte Grand Cru

This is where you will buy the best Brazilian Cerrado vanilla pods of Grand Cru quality

Cerrado vanilla comes in 3 types of qualities: Red , TK and gourmet grand cru

Since 2018, we have been marketing this high-end vanilla pod. But the quantities are very small and we only have a few kilos each year. 

Our Vanilla Pods from around the World


Purchase of Rare Vanilla Beans - From the World of Brazilian Vanilla Beans

Online purchase and sale of the best vanilla pod from Brazil , directly from the producer. Buy a beautiful vanilla , an exceptional vanilla , a rare vanilla , a luxury vanilla .

Cerrado vanilla is the only vanilla called rare and luxury vanilla.

Discover our vanilla pod producers , Celino , David , José , Maria ....

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