Are you looking for the best vanilla pods from Madagascar ? Le Comptoir de Toamasina is the French specialist in the purchase and sale of Madagascar AOC Bourbon vanilla beans . Since 2010, Arnaud has been selecting the most beautiful vanillas for you. 

On our site you will only buy the gourmet quality which is the crème de la crème of vanilla from Madagascar.

When the vanilla is prepared it will be classified into 3 qualities: Vanilla of the best gourmet quality, TK and red which is an industrial vanilla to put it simply. 

Gourmet quality is synonymous with very  beautiful vanilla pods, a vanilla from Madagascar that  is fleshy and soft .

Arnaud, the creator of Comptoir de Toamasina travels the world to discover vanilla plantations, to discover new varieties.

Since 2021, Le Comptoir de Toamasina has had a test vanilla plantation in Minas Gerais in Brazil, to make you experience the profession of vanilla producer as in Madagascar.

Our objective is a selection for you of the best bourbon vanilla from Madagascar .

The purchase of vanilla with rich, complex, tasty and smooth aromatic notes . 

Do you love vanilla? Expect to buy a vanilla  with an  incredible fragrance and with  exceptional quality . 

Since 2010, Le Comptoir de Toamasina has been the French vanilla counter in France . Our Comptoir de la Vanilla is an expert in buying and selling :

  • Selection of the best bourbon vanilla pods from Madagascar
  • vanilla from the region of Sambava and Mananara-Nord which benefits  from the best plantations for an unbeatable value for money
  • Purchasing and selling only gourmet quality which is the best quality for Madagascar vanilla.

If you are wondering where to buy the vanilla bean , we are a specialist shop in the selection of vanilla with an incredible scent for creative everyday cooking . 

Expect to buy an amazing and flavorful aromatic vanilla bean to delight your taste buds

+55 31 986320399

You will then chat about one of our vanilla pods, send us a whatsapp!

20 Madagascar's Bourbon Vanilla Beans

4 Reviews
20 Bourbon vanilla pods from Madagascar, gourmet-extra* quality, black, 15 to 16cm, in a bag. Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans are shiny, plump, chewy, shiny, black, fragrant, and unsplit. It is the top of the range vanilla from Madagascar Our Bourbon vanilla pod from Madagascar in its economical format offers notes of chocolate and caramel. Main notes :...

100 Madagascar's Bourbon Vanilla Beans

100 Bourbon Vanilla beans from Madagascar, gourmet quality or quality extra, in sachet. The Bourbon Vanilla beans from Madagascar are shiny, flexible, black, fleshy, fragrant, fluffy and smooth-skinned. This vanilla has notes of caramel and chocolate Vanilla from Madagascar Harvest 2024 - 2025 Main notes: cocoa with a long taste of vanilla in the mouth...

2 Madagascar's Bourbon Vanilla Beans

2 vanilla pods of Madagascar AOC Bourbon, gourmet quality,14 to 16cm, tube freshness. Our Bourbon vanilla beans from Madagascar are flexible, black, fleshy, shiny, perfumed, fluffy and smooth-skinned. In a tube design. It offers a extraordinary flavor with notes of cocoa. Main notes : Cocoa and caramel Aromatic : The star of pastry. A vanilla bean with an...

Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla - Categoria Ouro - 18 and 23 cm

Le Comptoir de Toamasina launches gourmet quality Bourbon Gold vanilla from Madagascar. This vanilla pod is superb and it is the fruit of research and testing in our plantation in Minas Gerais to select an intense vanilla. Main Notes: Cocoa and Caramel Aromatic: The star of pastry. A vanilla pod with an intense fragrance of gourmet vanilla, the most...

15 Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans

15 AOC Bourbon Madagascar black vanilla beans, gourmet quality, 14 to 16cm in a tin. Our gourmet quality Madagascar Bourbon vanilla beans are supple, black, full-bodied, shiny, fragrant, mellow and unsplit. Our Madagascar Bourbon vanilla has the highest concentration of aromas: Main notes: cocoa with intense vanilla notes Aromatic: A vanilla with a long,...

Vanilla Extract Madagascar

Bourbon vanilla extract from Madagascar is an invitation to travel and culinary escape. Our liquid vanilla extract is very greedy and of exceptional quality. If you do not have time to open a vanilla pod, then come and use our vanilla extract. It will take a few drops to pleasantly perfume your preparations. Main notes: Intense vanilla Aromatic: An...

50g Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans

1 Reviews
50g Bourbon Madagascar vanilla pods, gourmet or extra * quality, from 14 to 16 cm and 17cm to 21cm depending on the batch. Bourbon Madagascar vanilla pods are bright, fleshy, mellow, shiny, black, fragrant and not split. Our Madagascar Bourbon vanilla bean in its economical size offers hints of chocolate and caramel. average of 10 to 12 or more pods Main...

250g Vanilla Beans Madagascar AOC Bourbon

250g of Madagascar vanilla Bourbon AOC gourmet quality/Extra biological. Our vanilla pods of Madagascar, are brilliant, fat, fleshy, fluffy, shiny, black, very perfumed with a note of cocoa and not split. Sold in sachet sub-vacuum of 250g  Main Notes: Cocoa and Caramel Aromatic: The star of pastry. A vanilla pod with an intense fragrance of gourmet...

Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans per kilo

Buy bourbon vanilla beans from Madagascar per kilo, gourmet-extra * quality, black , 14 to 16cm. Bourbon Madagascar vanilla pods are bright , fleshy, mellow , shiny , black , fragrant and not split . This is the top of the vanilla pod of Madagascar. A Madagascar Bourbon vanilla in its economical format offers hints of chocolate and caramel. Main Notes:...

50 Vanilla Beans Bourbon Madagascar - Gourmet, Prime, Grade A1

1 Reviews
Madagascar bourbon vanilla pod in a black or brown color . It offers a unique scent of intense vanilla notes with a slightly cocoa flavor. This is the vanilla bean of star chefs . Our gourmet quality bourbon vanilla is ideal for use in salty or sweet cuisine. It comes from Mananara North , a vanilla that comes from a late harvest. Main Notes: Cocoa and...

5 Bourbon Vanilla Beans from Madagascar Gourmet

Bourbon vanilla is the most emblematic vanilla in the world. Madagascar produces AOC Bourbon vanilla, a planifolia vanilla native to Mexico, with anintense vanilla aroma and a hint of chocolate. It is a large, beautiful vanilla pod. Comptoir de Toamasina offers you 5 beautiful Bourbon vanilla beans from Madagascar that are shiny, full-bodied, soft and...


When we think of vanilla , we always land in Madagascar . The world's largest producer of vanilla . And it's the first vanilla we encounter, in a pastry shop.

The world's leading producer of vanilla, Madagascar offers vanilla with excellent value for money, for lovers of exceptional vanilla.

Bourbon vanilla is an AOP appellation which will bring together Madagascar, Comoros, Mayotte, Mauritius, Seychelles and of course Reunion Island. The industry and the great pastry chefs around the world swear by this origin. In Brazil in Belo Horizonte, Le Comptoir de Toamasina is the leader in the sale of bourbon vanilla from Madagascar in gourmet quality. 

Today Madagascar is the world's leading vanilla producer with 80% of the world's harvest each year. 

But this vanilla pod which will have an international reputation thanks to the know-how of the vanilla producers of the Big Island and its aromatic power. The planifolia vanilla variety is one of the varieties that offers the best vanillin content, the aromatic power of vanilla. (For the cultivated varieties, if we take into account the micro-lots, it is the Bahian vanilla from Comptoir de Toamasina which is the vanilla with the highest vanillin). 

Did you know that Madagascar vanilla is characterized by a unique flavor, with its cocoa touch. It is a vanilla in the mouth.


It is with this little princess that Arnaud Sion created the Comptoir de Toamasina in 2010.

Our first vanilla bean comes from a very remote plantation in the bush in Madagascar. To get there it takes 48 hours by 4x4 bush.

It is here that Arnaud will train as a planter, producer and preparer of vanilla.

This training in the world of vanilla will earn him the nickname of Arnaud Vanille.

Madagascar vanilla from Comptoir de Toamasina is the sign of excellence  .

A vanilla with character and a  symphony of flavors  that will make you travel during your pastry creations. 

You will buy on our vanilla sales site only the best of the Madagascar bourbon vanilla harvest.

The gourmet quality vanilla pod. Also found under the name of black vanilla.

It is a  bourbon vanilla from Madagascar  with a  beautiful black or even dark brown color .

Our  vanilla bean is:

  • Grasse
  • Intense vanilla flavor
  • fluffy
  • Soft

A vanilla pod perfect for desserts. 

A vanilla which is the result of a  collaboration  with our  partner in Madagascar and France. With respect for traditional maturing.

Buy  our bourbon vanilla pods with cocoa notes and its famous black or even dark brown color, to make excellent pastry dishes.

We guarantee you the best vanilla from Madagascar, only gourmet quality.

Vanilla pod from Madagascar: Le Comptoir de Toamasina markets the best Bourbon vanilla from Madagascar, that is to say at gourmet quality. Our vanilla comes from a short circuit. We guarantee you an exceptional vanilla bean. You are going to buy a large vanilla. Buy the best vanilla from Madagascar directly from the producer or in the shortest chain according to the batches at the Comptoir de Toamasina.


The passion of the creator of Comptoir de Toamasina, Arnaud for vanilla, pushes us to choose different vanillas and thanks to our test plantation in Minas Gerais in Brazil, we have acquired new experience to select the bourbon vanilla pod from Madagascar. the rarest and tastiest. 

This precious, tasty spice with an exquisite fragrance will become your baking star.

Did you know that in 2013, Arnaud, the creator of Comptoir de Toamasina will create bourbon gold vanilla from Madagascar , this vanilla is only the rarest and most intense quality of Malagasy vanilla. Pods between 18 and 20 cm. A vanilla that we don't have every year.

Vanilla is a spice that brings joy and pleasure to many chefs and pastry chefs .

The vanilla pod , we love it from starter to dessert through the main course and also in our grand cru teas and herbal teas . 

But you should know that this princess is used in cosmetics and perfumes. 

According to studies, vanilla is the favorite flavor of the French.

Buying vanilla is like going back to childhood . And we did an article on our blog on the subject. 

An important point to know is during the last week that vanilla will raise its level of natural vanillin . It is in the week before the harvest that the fruit of the orchid will be loaded with vanillin, the vanilla flavor.


Le  Comptoir de Toamasina  specializes  in the importation  of  vanilla beans from Madagascar .

We offer you one of the best  Bourbon vanilla beans  from  Madagascar .  

You can  confidently buy a quality vanilla seen on TV in Thalassa. 

The  vanilla bean from Madagascar is our  core  business. All of our vanilla comes from small plantations in Madagascar and from a French partner specializing in vanilla.

The Comptoir de Toamasina is first of all, a name  Arnaud Sion who  returns from the  big island  and asks himself this question: "Why not try to  make Madagascar vanilla accessible to the general public ". He  imported 10kg of Bourbon vanilla from Madagascar  from a  small plantation which sold on the markets of the city of Lille de Sebastopol on Saturday and Sunday Place du Concert .

And since November 2015, Le Comptoir de Toamasina has had a Comptoir in Brazil Abaçai Vanille , specialist in the search for vanilla and Brazilian flavors . 


Did you know that Madagascar will produce more than 80% of the world's vanilla production. 

The bourbon vanilla pod from Madagascar is an AOC which will bring together Madagascar, the Comoros, the Seychelles, Mauritius and Reunion Island.

Madagascar vanilla is a spice that the world loves. It is a journey into the heart of our childhood. Many chefs, starred or pastry chefs swear by this little princess.

Indeed vanilla is used in many preparations but also in cosmetics, perfumes and in chocolate to soften it.

The wonderful vanilla pods from Comptoir de Toamasina  are sold all over the world and highly appreciated for their unique aroma and flavor . The quality of the Madagascar vanilla pods from our Vanilla Counter stands out from the competition with the best level of natural vanillin inside, the highest to our knowledge and especially to Arnaud's expertise, a precious vanilla , tasty and very fragrant for you. 

The black bourbon vanilla pod from Madagascar is a great vintage vanilla . An intense and tasty vanilla bean . 


The vanilla bean from Madagascar will have a classification according to its quality, that is to say its humidity rate:

Discover the official vanilla classification on our blog. 

Today on the internet we find bourbon gold vanilla with a humidity level of less than 30%, that is to say 28%, here, it is not the best quality of vanilla but TK see gourmet downgraded. 

We are going to reveal to you the 3 qualities of Malagasy vanilla : 

  • Red Vanilla:  20 to 25% in moisture content, a brittle red vanilla bean
  • Vanilla TK:  Unsplit vanilla whose humidity rate ranges from 25 to 29 or even 30%, a vanilla that is flexible but impossible to tie with 
  • Vanilla Gourmet:  Bourbon vanilla from Madagascar, the grand cru of vanilla, it is a vanilla with a humidity level above 30% going up to 38%, the best vanilla from Madagascar for you. 

All vanilla produced in the Indian Ocean has the Bourbon appellation. 

The gourmet black vanilla from Madagascar called Vanille Bourbon de Madagascar gourmet quality is the best quality of vanilla. 

The latter will have an intense vanilla note with a touch of cocoa . 

The vanilla planifolia variety will stand out from other vanillas in the world with its PDO, Vanille bourbon, which is a label registered in 1964.

So buy our bourbon vanilla pod from Madagascar only the best of the harvest with its magnificent dark brown black color and intense vanilla scent. 

Please note that Bourbon Gold vanilla is a marketing designation. 

Do not hesitate to discover on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture in Madagascar, the official classification of vanilla. 


Who doesn't love vanilla bean? At Comptoir de Toamasina, we are in vanilla pods from Madagascar. 

A vanilla with a suave, feminine, sweet and intense flavor. 

In Madagascar, you will mainly find vanilla planifolia which represents 95% of the world's vanilla production.

Arnaud, the creator of Comptoir de Toamasina will travel the world in search of the best vanilla. Only the rarest quality, ie gourmet quality . 

As a vanilla specialist , he offers articles such as all varieties of vanilla in the world .

Our vanillas have an intense and very complex aromatic palette on the palate. 

You will love our vanillas. 

Expect to receive vanilla with incredible fragrance and exceptional quality. 

Here are our available vanillas: 

  • Bourbon Vanilla from Madagascar:  The great classic of pastry with its cocoa and intense vanilla notes.
  •  Tahitian vanilla pod : A beautiful fleshy, large and very oily vanilla that will have notes of anise and prunes for a long moment of floral vanilla.
  • Vanilla from Papua , you have two varieties the  planifolia with its notes of spices and intense vanilla and the tahitensis notes of spices and leather for a long moment of floral vanilla. 
  • Uganda will produce a  Rwenzori vanilla bean  that is full-bodied and wild on the palate
  • Brazil is a  vanilla  with floral and slightly acidic notes that is specific to Brazilian soil.


Le Comptoir de Toamasina, a French vanilla specialist, invites you to discover the varieties of vanilla in the world and the vanilla that you can find in Brazil. 

Each of the vanillas will have a description on our blog and an explanatory video. In Brazil, there is still wild vanilla , especially the Dubia variety.

  • Vanilla Chamissonis
  • Vanilla Dubia
  • Vanilla odorata C. Presl
  • Vanilla organensis Rolfe
  • Vanilla ovata Rolfe
  • Vanilla palmarum (Salzm. ex Lindl.) Lindl.
  • Vanilla paludosa Pansarin, JM Aguiar & AC Ferreira
  • Vanilla parvifolia Barb.Rodr.
  • Vanilla pauciflora Dressler
  • vanilla paulista
  • vanilla penicillata
  • Vanilla perexilis Bertoni
  • vanilla planifolia
  • Vanilla pleei Portères
  • Vanilla Pompona Schiede
  • Vanilla purusara Barb.Rodr. ex-Hoehne
  • Vanilla ribeiroi Hoehne
  • Vanilla rojasiana Hoehne
  • Vanilla sativa Schiede
  • Vanilla savannarum Britton
  • Vanilla schwackeana Hoehne
  • Vanilla sprucei Rolfe
  • Vanilla surinamensis Rchb.f.
  • Vanilla sylvestris Schiede
  • Vanilla tahitensis JWMoore
  • Vanilla tiarei Costantin & Bois
  • Vanilla trigonocarpa Hoehne
  • Vanilla uncinata Huber ex Hoehne
  • Vanilla vanilla (L.) Huth
  • Vanilla vellozii Rolfe
  • Vanilla verrucosa Hauman
  • Vanilla viridiflora Blume
  • vanilla wrightii

As you can see there are many varieties of vanilla in the world. 

But two vanillas will produce 99% of the world's vanilla , Tahitensis and Planifolia vanilla . 

And furthermore the vanilla orchid is the only variety that will produce an edible fruit called vanilla .

And the name vanilla in any language immediately evokes vanilla ice cream, a cake or even a sweet dish made with vanilla.

In addition to being edible, vanilla is amazing, vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) is a terrestrial species, which is not exclusive but goes against most other orchids, which are epiphytes (living on other plants).

As you can see the world of vanilla is exciting 


Buying vanilla pods  at the Comptoir de Toamasina is the assurance of buying  the best vanilla in Madagascar . All of our  vanilla pods  come from the  best plantations  in  Madagascar . Arnaud Sion selects  the  best pods  from the best plantations in Madagascar and with long-standing partners.

Madagascar  vanilla  planifolia  AOC bourbon . It is a black or dark brown colored vanilla.

It is a vanilla pod that is much fleshier than its big sister vanilla from Mexico.

Madagascar vanilla will be characterized by a fruity and cocoa taste. The  vanilla  bean   from  Madagascar  is very present in the mouth thanks to its very strong vanilla aroma  .

When cooked, Madagascar vanilla pods  deliver an  aroma  that spreads everywhere It is  an aroma  that will be very persistent 

Buy the best vanilla pods from Madagascar directly from the producer at Comptoir de Toamasina, the best value for money.


You will discover the true history of the vanilla pod from Madagascar and Reunion and understand everything about the development of vanilla in the Indian Ocean. 

Vanilla is a plant that is part of the orchid family.

Mexico is the country of origin of vanilla. 

But today, it is Madagascar and Madagascan bourbon vanilla that are the main products on the world market. 

Vanilla was introduced to Madagascar in 1871.

It is the French who will introduce plants from Reunion on the big island. 

The humid and sunny climate which is very favorable to the production of vanilla and its kilometers of coastline will allow the development of vanilla cultivation.

The vanilla coast of the red island is going to have a rapid expansion of its production. 

It is in the Sava region that we find the greatest number of plantations and almost 80% of the vanilla produced on the Big Island.

Sambava is the capital of the city.  


First of all, it is an emblematic vanilla , which owes its bourbon name to the planters of Reunion Island who introduced this variety to the Big Island in 1880. 

Vanilla  is an  orchid that lives in the   tropics. It is the perfect  vegetable spice  that lives in harmony with its environment, nature.

Vanilla is a very complex plant, which requires the respect of a process or even a strict protocol in order to guarantee its  biological cycle  and that it can offer you  an intense and long aroma in the mouth .

The orchid producing the  Madagascar vanilla pod  is a  hermaphroditic plant , that is to say that it contains both male and female sexes. But in the absence of a small bee which only exists in Mexico, it is necessary to do a pollination by hand. It takes contact between the two sexes, which are separated by a thin membrane. Do not forget the flower in bloom from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. After pollination the vanilla flower will die to give the fruit the famous  vanilla bean from Madagascar . A  vanilla flower  gives   a  vanilla podAfter pollination, it takes 9 months for the fruit to become fully mature, in Madagascar the harvest is made between June and July after a decree from the Malagasy government. It then takes 3 months of preparation and 3000 to 4000 manipulations for each pod in order to guarantee and shape the best bourbon vanilla pods from Madagascar.

Our Madagascar AOC Bourbon vanilla bean  in its  Gourmet  or  extra quality  for the Malagasy nomenclature is constant from year to year, it owes its balanced alliance and its perfume to the know-how of the Malagasy planters. 

Come and discover and buy the  Madagascar AOC Bourbon vanilla pod from Comptoir de Toamasina directly from a small Malagasy plantation. They will offer you a unique experience.  You were able to discover our vanilla route in the Thalassa program on France 3 in 2014. This difficult route to get the best  vanilla bean from Madagascar . We control each of our pods with care and precaution in order to guarantee you the  best vanilla pod from Madagascar  on the market. All our vanilla beans from Madagascar  are shiny, fleshy, shiny, soft, black, very fragrant and not  splitOur Vanilla from Madagascar releases notes of chocolate and caramel that will sublimate all of your  pastries . Le Comptoir de Toamasina offers one of the best vanillas  in the world , from a  small plantation in Madagascar .

With our partner plantation since our beginnings in 2010, we offer you  inexpensive vanilla  of exceptional quality. Le Comptoir de Toamasina sells only  the best vanilla pods from Madagascar . Come and discover our offers of bourbon vanilla from Madagascar in its gourmet quality , you will find a high quality vanilla directly from the producer to the consumer. You can watch the journey of our  bourbon vanilla from Madagascar  on our  blog  or via the excerpt from the  Thalassa report .


In our video how to plant a vanilla plant, you will learn all about how to maintain your princess, month after month.

You should know that a foot of vanilla can be up to 25 meters. The vanilla tree will go up on a stake then after it will lie on its width.

This vine is a beautiful green color. 

The roots will also cling directly to a tree, but they will generally grow on a stake. 

The vanilla flowers will not smell. The flowers have a beautiful color, green and yellow like. They will have a trumpet shape.

It takes the hand of man to pollinate this princess. And marry the flower. 

Because a tab will separate the stamens from the pistil. 

The fruit of vanilla is a green pod in the shape of a very large green bean.

It is a fruit that turns yellow when ripe.

It is in the last week that the fruit will take all its vanillin. 

Then you have to do the scalding, parboiling, drying, maturing and finally grading.

It's more than a year of work to make its production of poultry. 


Here are two terms that will characterize vanilla.

Indeed, this plant, of Mexican origin, likes hot and humid weather.

And, isn't it true that the plant still plays the role of a climbing vine? A single vanilla sprout can climb on another plant (or a building) and reach 90 meters! You heard 90 meters.

But be careful, you need a few things or the plant can climb. A support. 

On our blog, you will discover a series of tutorials, how to grow a typical vanilla from Madagascar at home. 


The plant takes 3 years to give its first flower , something quite shy at first, but when it reaches maturity between 5 and 7 years, the quantity of flowers is quite significant.

It doesn't take much for the vanilla to grow, a little substrate and the morning sun are enough.

As soon as the plant is ready to produce pods, it will need a helping hand with pollination.

If you don't have a bee, a toothpick will do.

Indeed, there are no insects that pollinate vanilla outside its place of origin, so it is necessary that the fertilization of the flowers be done by hand. 

After the flowers are pollinated, the pods are formed. It takes 9 months for the vanilla beans to become ripe and ready to harvest, and even after all that time they have no scent. To have the delicious flavor of black vanilla, green vanilla will have to be prepared. There are two ways to dry the vanilla pod: by a sudden increase in temperature (scalding, bourbon method) or by exposure to the sun (Tahiti vanilla method).

Then the vanilla will turn black and super fragrant .


The method of preparation of vanilla is currently the bourbon method in Madagascar which is also found in vanilla from Papua .

 Vanilla-producing countries will refer to this ancestral method. 

Indeed, once picked, the vanilla must go through important stages:

  • scalding: Here, each Madagascan vanilla has its own tradition for scalding the vanilla pod, 2 to 3 minutes in a 70° bath for two to three minutes, beware of the wood fire
  • steaming: here, the vanilla will be put in a box in woolen blankets for about 48 hours. The vanilla will ferment to become oily and especially have black which begins to arrive
  • Sun drying: The vanilla will be put for one to two weeks alternating between shade and light so that it dries. Here, a sorting will begin to be made between the red vanilla more exposed to the sun and the gourmet. Did you know that you have to massage each vanilla pod one by one? 
  • Refining: The vanilla is ready and for 1 month to 3 months it is refined in a completely dark room. You can also ripen in wooden males. This is where the vanilla will catch its intense and so magical fragrance, here the vanilla will lose 40% of its weight in water
  • Calibration: The vanillas are calibrated and classified between the 3 classes of vanilla
  • Packaging: The vanilla is put in boxes to be exported in sulfurized foot 

Next, the value of vanilla is determined by its quality. Its length is less than 10% of its price.

Please note that the vacuum packaging of vanilla is prohibited.

Like storing in the freezer. 

When a site tells you about keeping vanilla in the freezer why doesn't the vanilla come in a refrigerated container?


When we have found the best site to buy vanilla , this is the second question we ask ourselves, but how to store vanilla?

The vanilla bean is a precious and captivating spice that will take us on a journey around the world . Indeed the world of vanilla brings together incredible countries and varieties that can even make us dance the Samba with the vanilla of the mata Atlantica . 

To preserve its smell and flavor to flavor a flan, a crème brûlée and other creative recipes you can follow our advice:

  • Away from light and any temperature shock: Vanilla does not like UV rays, so light and heat make vanilla dry faster and it will lose its suppleness and part of its aroma, goodbye the notes of cocoa and hello the notes of wood. The ideal temperature for keeping vanilla between 15 and 20°C
  • Dry, without humidity: Even if vanilla basks in the tropics, it does not like humidity, so it is better to put it in a glass tube, a wooden or iron box and above all no cork in cork that facilitates mold and squeeze against each other. Le Comptoir de Toamasina has found for you PET bottles with anti-UV filters to preserve the flavors of vanilla.
  • Away from the air: As for us, the air will age the vanilla, it will dry it out. So you risk losing its moisture content or even its flavors because vanilla is a chameleon and takes on the smells of everything around it. It must be squeezed in raffia per bunch of 10 to 20 vanilla pods

Now you know everything to keep your vanilla so that it smells fantastic. Vanillin is the flavor of vanilla.

On our blog you will discover the reference article on the  conservation of vanilla , with incredible tutorials.  

So make flans, pastry cream, crème brûlée, fish, chicken with vanilla from Comptoir de Toamasina. 

Discover on the Comptoir de Toamasina blog all the tips and tricks for using the vanilla pod and especially how to split a vanilla pod . 


Nowadays, we see more and more sites that sell vanilla, but it is very easy to make people believe that you are a vanilla specialist by buying photos on the internet. 

Rare are the sites that travel to the land of spices. 

So here we are going to explain to you why  the method of preservation in alcohol  is a  vanilla scam .

It is only for very poor quality vanilla, because we must not forget that alcohol is a natural preservative. 

Methods not to do that are the vanilla scam: 

  • Vacuuming the vanilla: A vacuumed vanilla no longer works. You should know that vanilla will naturally lose its moisture content
  • Putting in rum:  In the USA, Canada and in the Caribbean in vanilla-producing countries, the method is prohibited, why? Quite simply, it's a practice to hide the true quality of the vanilla, you risk having poor quality vanilla when you buy it and to make you believe that you've made a good deal, we tell you that, like that your vanilla will not mold
  • The freezer:  No great chef is going to put his vanilla in the freezer. This method is a sign of a vanilla scam from an online store, from a showman who knows very well that his vanilla is of poor quality, poorly prepared and here you stop the vanilla bonus. This method will lose the moisture content of the vanilla

Ask yourself this question, why bourbon vanilla from Madagascar is exported by plane and not by boat in a refrigerated container. $2,500 for a 25 footer compared to 7 euros per kilo for airfreight. 


Specialist in the import and export of vanilla from around the world. Le Comptoir de Toamasina has been the best natural vanilla from Madagascar since 2010.
We offer you only the best spices and rare peppers in the world 

Each vanilla, we guarantee you the greatest expertise in its choice.

We offer you the planifolia bourbon variety from Madagascar .

There are many criteria in the purchase of a good vanilla. Le Comptoir de la Vanilla means choosing your vanilla well . 

We take our time to have the best partners and to have bourbon vanilla from Madagascar with the best refining. A fat and plump vanilla pod.

Glossy vanilla, fleshy and above all a dark maroon black color which is the sign of the best vanilla.

Did you know that dried vanilla from Madagascar has much less aroma than gourmet vanilla .

The length of the pod is taken into account for its quality.

This is why we have the quality bourbon gold vanilla from Madagascar only the most beautiful pods of 18 to 20cm.

The standard format is 14 to 16cm pods. vanilla that will fit in all tubes and packaging.

For weight, a vanilla from Madagascar is not very fleshy compared to vanilla from Tahiti .

An 18cm vanilla will make 3.5g about 4g maximum, otherwise you buy water.

Only Tahitian vanilla can have such heavy pods . 


Madagascar is the world's leading vanilla producer with over 85% market share in the export of vanilla beans. 

You will find on the big island the black bourbon vanilla pod, tk, red type Europe and the trade names, vanilla kelly, vanilla bourbon gold luxury. 

Today, the world of vanilla is moving, Madagascar will produce 2,000 tons of vanilla per year.

The rise in vanilla prices will bring in new players such as Papua New Guinea and its Tahitensis vanilla and vanilla planifolia, you will find Brazil and Cerrado vanilla, an exclusive from Comptoir de Toamasina since 2015, with Felipe, Ana and David, vanilla producer in Brazil.

Uganda, Indonesia, launches into the production of vanilla.

But it is Brazil, which is likely to become in 50 years the first world producer of vanilla thanks to its climate and its producers.


Did you know that 80% of the world's vanilla comes from the Red Island. It is 8 out of 10 vanillas sold in the world that comes from Madagascar.

This island offers you an incredible richness such as black pepper from Madagascar, wild and so cinnamon and other flavors.

Every day, we share our work and we want you to discover our tastefully perfect vanilla, at the best value for money. 

Our shop selling bourbon vanilla pods from Madagascar only offers you vanilla that comes only from the best of the harvest.

Discover the vanilla pods from Comptoir de Toamasina, rich, aromatic that will enchant your desserts. 

The best vanilla pod is at Comptoir de Toamasina, the vanilla and spice specialist. 


You need to buy the best bourbon vanilla bean .

So here you are going to shop for the best vanilla beans . 

A bourbon vanilla that is simply stunning for your recipes. 

It offers a note of cocoa for an intense and gourmet vanilla scent. 

It is a vanilla with an excellent value for money .

Discover our vanilla with a long traditional ripening.

Madagascar produces vanilla of excellence on 30,000 hectares. With bewitching notes for magical pleasure. 

Le Comptoir de Toamasina is the French vanilla specialist. 

Arnaud, creator of the Comptoir de Toamasina, Counter of the best black bourbon vanilla unearths the best vanilla pods from the plantations of Madagascar for you each year. 


Discover our article on the price of vanilla from Madagascar .

The Comptoir de la Vanilla is the second name of the Comptoir de Toamasina.

Discover our bourbon vanilla pods from Madagascar and our gold bourbon vanilla from Madagascar, category of excellence from Comptoir de Toamasina since 2010 . 

The price of vanilla will change every year. Today, many blogs take up the success of our article, the first on the price of vanilla in google since 2016.

Arnaud has revolutionized the world of vanilla with magnificent videos, reports and a blog. 

Our company does not seek to have the most links, likes on youtube, but only to make you live our adventure. 

Each year, Le Comptoir de Toamasina offers you the fairest price of vanilla. 

Our vanilla pods evolve according to world prices. 

Our vanilla shop only offers you the most beautiful pods, we don't fight on price but only on quality.

We know that our vanilla is of remarkable quality, so we offer you the fairest price. 

And we take the same steps for our entire range. 


An exceptional vanilla bean and only the best quality, the gourmet quality that we offer you to buy. 

Each year Arnaud does his best to select the best vanilla pods for you. 

Each vanilla pod is unique and offers you a unique taste journey. 

As we travel through the lands of spices and vanilla and spice producers, we make partnerships, test the best vanilla pods to offer you excellence. 

You will discover a vanilla bean with an intense and singular aromatic amplitude which will come from the best vanilla region in Madagascar. 

We want to offer you a vanilla with a long maturation and the best varieties. 

The respect of a long traditional refining is essential in the world of vanilla. 

The result is that we offer you the best black bourbon vanilla from Madagascar and a signature Gold bourbon vanilla bean for our vanilla beans over 18cm. 

Our ambition and to become the leader in vanilla in France, we are already a major player in South America.


Le Comptoir de Toamasina is the purchase and sale of vanilla for professionals, pastry chefs, chefs, restaurateurs, professionals. An ideal vanilla pod for cooking, making pastries.

For individuals, find the vanilla of chefs, top chefs, the best pastry chefs or the best pastry chefs in our online store.  


Buy your vanilla by the kilo at Comptoir de Toamasina. We offer you only the best quality of bourbon vanilla. 

Whether you order one, two or even vanilla per kilogram. We offer you the same quality and above all the same service.

Great Chefs and Pastry Chefs around the world trust us, so why not you? 

A kilo of vanilla from Madagascar is about 400 vanilla pods 14 to 16cm. 

the weight of a bourbon vanilla pod from Madagascar is approximately 2 to 2.5g for the gourmet category 14 to 16. 

Vanilla lovers who cook and bake know that this spice is essential. 

So feel free to place bulk orders. 

Our vanilla is sold by the kilo and above all buy the best vanilla at the best value for money. 

We only offer you the best vanilla bean in the world to our knowledge at the best price. 


This is a powerful and easy desire for many of you, which we fully understand.

To begin with, there is this pragmatic aspect. You shop and you see the vanilla you need and you buy it. But in the big box a lot of vanilla vendor sites say it's average.

Le Comptoir de Toamasina has been selling vanilla in supermarkets since 2013 due to packaging problems. Our project has been stopped but will resume soon so that in supermarkets you will find vanilla from Comptoir de Toamasina and Arnaud Vanille Plantation.

The prices are reasonable, which is a major plus.

It is too often said how many of you have been disappointed by pods of dubious quality? You should know that the vanilla will pass from the importer to the company that conditions the distribution center and then to the store. 

In order not to lose quality, Le Comptoir de Toamasina has developed packaging specially designed for the conservation of vanilla.

So that you find a fleshy and tasty vanilla.

We offer our traditional vanilla from Madagascar but also vanilla from Papua and our vanilla pods from around the world.

Le Comptoir de Toamasina, a vanilla specialist, wishes to become a major player in the sale of premium quality vanilla in supermarkets.


When visiting the Vanilla Islands, a vanilla-producing country, it is tempting to bring back a few vanilla pods.

In Brazil, you will find vanilla of very good quality, because the producers can sell it more expensive on the national market than for export.

In Madagascar, you have export dates and often on the local market you find old batches and the best batches.

But never buy vanilla and spices on the markets during your travels in the producing countries but rather in cooperatives. Even in Guadeloupe during a trip in 2014, we have very strange things on a market. 

You should know that all vanilla growers will try to produce high quality vanilla.

But as with pepper, for example, the extra quality is totally exported and the little that remains is sold at the French market price, for example.

The same example for gourmet type coffee, coffee from Minas Gerais which is one of the best in the world but if you want gourmet quality you will have to pay the price. 

The problem in the producing countries you do not know who is the producer or exporter preparer. An uninitiated will so lose. 

We see vanilla that is sold vacuum-packed and this practice is prohibited because it stops the ripening process of the vanilla. 

Some travelers have returned from Madagascar with a large number of pods in order to stock up on vanilla, only to find soon after that their vanilla will turn from gourmet to red due to poor preparation.

If you want to buy vanilla on site, discover the Comptoir de Toamasina videos to buy high quality vanilla pods during your travels abroad and especially discover the ranger expedition, the most beautiful trip to Brazil. 


Internet is the most convenient solution that buyers of vanilla beans will choose.

It's easy to buy vanilla online and in addition you are delivered directly to your home. 

But today we see more and more traders selling vanilla and buying pictures on giveaway banks. 

Le Comptoir de Toamasina is the French vanilla specialist, we explain to you every day on our youtube channel tutorials, videos and above all all the varieties of vanilla in the world. 

At Comptoir de Toamasina and at Arnaud Vanille plantation, you are sure to receive the superior quality of vanilla at home.

We only sell gourmet quality vanilla.

We want to become a vanilla producer in Brazil and for this we are experimenting with a test plantation in Minas Gerais in Brazil. 

We are enthusiastic to offer you vanilla with an incredible flavor, the excellence of vanilla. 

 Buying vanilla at Arnaud Vanille plantation and at Comptoir de Toamasina, a vanilla specialist, means receiving quality vanilla at home but encouraging us in our projects. 

Thus, after Madagascar vanilla, which today represents more than 80% of world production. We have offered you vanilla from Tahiti, Papua and Brazil, the first company to offer you Brazilian vanilla.

Each year we will reference a vanilla to extend our range. 


Discover the world of Madagascar vanilla at Comptoir de Toamasina. A company working directly with producers in Madagascar, with respect and ethics.


Le  Comptoir de Toamasina  is the  first wholesaler  of  Vanilla from Madagascar  in  Brazil  in San Diego and on the mainland. These are the three places where we have set up our test showrooms.


We are a  Madagascar vanilla wholesaler  a little different from our competitors, because we work with a family  of producers in Madagascar  seen in Thalassa and we market only the  best vanilla from Madagascar . There are not 3 qualities available from us, but only the gourmet extra quality.


Our  exceptional quality vanilla used by the big names in  pastry  in  Brazil . 


The vanilla bean from Madagascar and the star of pastry. The queen of vanilla pods. 

We select the best vanilla bean, as for great wines, we offer the best vintage in vanilla bean.


Since 2010, we have been working with a family of producers and preparers of vanilla beans . We discuss vanilla preparation techniques and vanilla cultivation, for the development of our plantation in Brazil.

Arnaud the creator of Comptoir de Toamasina will learn everything about the world of vanilla with flora, a vanilla producer in Madagascar.

Come and discover our vanilla pod with a long refinement . 

The selection criteria for Comptoir de Toamasina vanilla is strict.

Not a vanilla pod less than 14cm.

Our first caliber is 14 to 16cm then 18 to 20cm.

The first calibration responds to our packaging.

You have to take the time before buying vanilla. 

It must be nice and fleshy. It shouldn't smell too strong.

Its color from a dark brown to the most intense black.

A quality vanilla a vanilla that has been refined for many months. Like our bourbon vanilla pods and our gold bourbon vanilla from Madagascar.

Madagascar vanilla is not very heavy, less than 3g for 14 to 16cm and 2.5 to 3.5g for vanilla from 18 to 20cm.

Vanilla planifolia will undergo scalding and will lose its moisture content until it reaches 30 to 35%. 


Buying vanilla is a pleasure purchase. We love this princess for its flavors.

At Comptoir de Toamasina, we only offer you the most beautiful pods. 

Many consumers are disappointed with vanilla that is preserved in rum after a salesman tells them it is the best method. If this is the best method why Madagascar prohibits it and does not practice it?

Our vanilla pods are selected with the greatest care with the best partners we meet. 

Whether it's vanilla from Madagascar, Papua New Guinea, Tahiti, Brazil and Mexico, you will buy the best beans.

  • Tahitian vanilla bean
  • Vanilla from Papua New Guinea 
  • Vanilla Tahitensis extract
  • Liquid Vanilla Extract from Madagascar
  • Cerrado Vanilla


Vanilla bean lovers will search for the best online vanilla bean site. 

But today more and more sites are only buying resale and are not vanilla specialists .

Arnaud, creator of Comptoir de Toamasina is a specialist in the world of vanilla and offers you to buy vanilla pods that will make it vibrate . 

Every week, every month, you can discover the world of vanilla and spices on our youtube channel and discover his work. 

Discover our bourbon vanilla from Madagascar in its gourmet quality, to make a rum arranged with vanilla and spices that will be gourmet. 


You are looking for the best vanilla pods in the world and in particular the bourbon vanilla from Madagascar which is the most loved by pastry lovers. 

So, we are going to introduce you to a vanilla that is off the beaten track. 

Arnaud will take his pick-up every year to go in search of spices and vanilla. 

Like a sommelier who goes to find the wine producer and learn about his work.

We do the same work. 

Arnaud travels the world in search of the best vanilla and offers you a selection of vanilla with unique notes. 

Rich, tasty and complex vanilla in the mouth for some. 

You will love our world of vanilla. 

So come and discover the flavors of our vanilla.

Create creative cuisine with our bourbon vanilla from Madagascar, bourbon gold vanilla pod from Madagascar, Tahitensis vanilla from Papua but also the planifolia vanilla variety from Papua, Tahitian vanilla, Ugandan vanilla, the best vanilla from Brazil (Bahia , Goias, Minas Gerais, Amazonia), Mexico, Ceylon and the world. 

Arnaud, nicknamed Arnaud vanilla, is the specialist in the purchase and sale of high-end vanilla at the best price. 

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