Experience the vibrant energy of guarana powder that comes straight from the lush plantations of Brazil to your kitchen.

Le Comptoir de Toamasina, your online superfood grocery store, offers you a rigorous selection of guarana powder resulting from direct collaboration with passionate local producers.

More than just a powder, a unique experience:

    • Travel to the heart of the Amazon  with each spoon thanks to our pure and natural guarana,  cultivated according to sustainable traditions.
    • Feel the vibrant energy  of the rainforest with a powerful natural stimulant,  rich in caffeine , vitamins and trace elements. 
    • Awaken your senses  with a unique and authentic flavor,  perfect to enhance your smoothies,  hot drinks or desserts.

The Comptoir de Toamasina is:

    • A commitment to quality: The guarana from Comptoir de Toamasina was selected by Arnaud Sion during a trip to Brazil, a guarana which can come from Bahia, Para or Mato Grosso. We try to favor guarana which comes from the state of Bahia as in this photo.  
    • A direct link with Brazil:  Direct collaboration with local plantations and factories to guarantee exceptional guarana.

  • Unique expertise:  Our founder visited guarana plantations in Bahia, sharing his passion and knowledge with you.

If you wish to purchase guarana, it is at Comptoir de Toamasina that you will buy the guarana with the most beautiful aromatic power. 

Did you know that guarana has a good synergy with the acai berry

Guarana White Powder Guarana White Powder 2
  • Online only

Guarana White Powder

Explore the vibrant energy of Brazil with our Guarana Powder, available in 50g per kilo format at Comptoir de Toamasina. As a guarana specialist, we provide you with a selection of this legendary plant, perfect for those looking for an alternative to coffee. Each grain has been powdered, according to Brazilian regulations. The caffeine level is minimum 5%...

Guarana Powder 5 Kg Import

Guarana is a superb bay that comes straight from the Amazon. We are the first importer from France and Europe who masters the whole process from harvest to packaging. White Guarana Powder is a powerful energizer, which will allow you to last a whole day without fatigue. Import Brazil the price includes guarana + shipping: 5kg: 10 bags of 500g Power of the...
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Guarana Powder per kilo

Discover the power and pure energy of Brazil with our  Guarana Powder by the Kilo  from Comptoir de Toamasina. Specialist in the purchase of guarana, we offer you an exceptional product, rich in history and ideal for replacing coffee. Our guarana powder comes from the best seeds, carefully selected to offer you a concentrate of vitality. Spice strength:...


What is Guarana? We will reveal to you an exploration of the origins, culture and benefits of this Brazilian Energizing Plant. The Benefits are EFSA studies on caffeine. 

Guarana , comes from the seeds of the Paullinia cupana Kunth plant , is a natural source of vitality prized for its energizing properties and its benefits for good energy . In Brazil, Guarana is seen as a food supplement.

Originally from  Brazil , Guarana grows mainly in the Amazon region and in Bahia, where it benefits from a tropical climate conducive to its development.

This climbing plant, belonging to the Sapindaceae family, thrives in the humid areas of the Amazon rainforest and in the Atlantica mata in Bahia.

It produces bunches of red fruits whose seeds are harvested to create  Guarana powder .

 Brazilian indigenous populations have long used Guarana as a natural stimulant, and its popularity has spread across the world due to its unique properties.

We must not forget that the Brazilian national drink is made from guarana and belongs to the AMBEV company.

Guarana stands out for its specific characteristics, highlighted by the words " Traditional alternative to Brazilian coffee. " This title reflects its historical status as a natural substitute for coffee, offering an energizing experience steeped in Brazilian traditions . The energy drink derived from Guarana is obtained from 100% ground Guarana seeds , thus preserving the pure essence of the plant.

Guarana's high tolerated caffeine content makes it an attractive option for those seeking an energy boost without the adverse effects associated with excessive coffee consumption.

You should know that a drink made from Guarana not only provides an energy boost, but it does so in moderation, thus avoiding the discomfort linked to excessive caffeine consumption.

Guarana  is revealed as an energizing plant of Brazilian origin, whose ground seeds constitute the basis of a stimulating drink .

Its rich history, coupled with its moderate energizing benefits, makes it an appealing alternative to coffee, offering a revitalizing experience steeped in Amazonian tradition. Explore the aromas and benefits of  Guarana for an authentic immersion in Brazil's natural and energetic heritage

Good to know: In Brazil, the active ingredient in Guarana is guaranine, but in Europe we have to say caffeine. You can find ginseng in powder form in Brazil.


The enchanting legend of guarana , born from the mystical lands of the northern region of Brazil, remains one of the most precious pearls of our folklore . Guarana , this iconic fruit of the Amazon, has its origins in a fascinating story where it was once the eyes of a young Indian boy bitten by a snake while harvesting fruit in the forest.

The epic begins with the supplication of a sterile couple to the God Tupã for the grace to have a child. Their wish comes true, giving birth to a vigorous boy cherished by the entire tribe of Mundurucania . Prosperity settles in the native lands, marked by military victories, abundant fishing, exquisite fish and a rarity of diseases , all thanks to the blessed presence of the curumim , the young Indian.

However, fate takes a sinister turn when an evil genius, Jurupari , motivated by envy of the boy's gifts, decides to kill him. One day, in the form of a rattlesnake , Jurupari attacks the curumim. The heavens roar in anger with Tupã 's thunderous warnings , but the damage is already done. The tribe sinks into lamentation .

Tupã , compassionate, then orders the extraction of the curumim's eyes , planted in dry land and watered with tears for four moons. This is how the “ plant of life ”, guarana , is born , intended to bring vitality to the elders and comfort to the tribe .

The transformation of guarana into a non-alcoholic drink, from its syrup , began in Brazil in 1905 thanks to the initiative of Fara , a doctor from Resende, Rio de Janeiro .

Guarana is a shrub, capable of climbing up to 13 meters in trees, revealing its clusters of fruits with bright red skin which opens when ripe , revealing a glimpse of an exposed seed , distinctly similar to a human eye .

Guarana seeds , consumed by the Sateré-Mawé Indians for centuries, contain guaranine , a stimulant comparable to caffeine . This plant, with its stimulating properties, increases physical and mental endurance according to the Indians, this is the main effects of guarana , although excessive consumption can lead to unwanted effects such as insomnia, irritability and fatigue. addiction .

Thus, guarana becomes the jewel of the tribe , bringing progress, strengthening the warriors , and playing a role on its magical essence spreads, not only in legend , but also in daily reality, making guarana a story of vitality and progress for all who discover it.


Since 2018, Maués guarana has benefited from a prestigious geographical indication, marking a major step in the promotion of this emblematic resource. 

It's a bit like Kampot black pepper, it has a PGI. 

Exploration of Cultural Roots : In the heart of the Amazon, Maués stands out as the capital of guarana, a plant whose consumption is an integral part of the daily life of rural and urban populations. For the Sateré-Mawe indigenous people, she embodies “the source of wisdom”. Although the region is no longer the main national supplier, the certifications obtained since 2018 have radically improved the lives of local farmers dedicated to growing and harvesting guarana.

Indigenous Heritage and Price Evolution Even before the arrival of the Portuguese in Brazil, the Sateré-Mawe and Munduruku indigenous peoples practiced the cultivation of guarana. However, even with the popularization of this energy drink, farmers did not always find this activity profitable. Guarana has had difficult times where the price of guarana stagnated at a critical level of 5 reais per kilo, or 1 euro per kilo. Today, this same kilo sells for 45 reais, or 10 euros per kilo, highlighting the positive impact of certifications.

Certifications, Added Value and Demanding Process The improvement in prices is partly attributable to certifications obtained since 2018, in particular that of the geographical indication (GI) issued by the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO). This GI, as an indication of origin, attests to the distinctive quality of Maués guarana. In addition, many producers have acquired the organic label, thus enhancing the value of the region's guarana.

The production process is complex, from planting to hand harvesting, seed separation, washing, roasting and grinding. The Association of Guarana Producers of the Geographical Indication of Maués was created to bring together those willing to comply with the quality standards of the GI and stand out in the market.

New Horizons and Positive Impact Although the original region is no longer the country's leading producer, Maués has preserved the ancestral tradition of guarana, targeting a specific audience. Le Comptoir de Toamasina contacted the Maués Indians in 2020 but we did not have a response. We hope to offer it to you soon.

Preservation of Tradition and New Perspectives In addition to its quality, Maués guarana stands out for its preservation of tradition. Marketed in stick form, made from moistened and crushed guarana paste, it embodies a unique experience. The producers' association has played a key role in strengthening ties between farmers and opening up new opportunities.

Business Transformation and Collective Dreams For certified producers, the growing appreciation of guarana has led to significant changes. Today we see producers investing in machines, automating previously manual processes. Today, the annual harvest reaches between 700 and 800 kilograms of fruit. Guarana has become the main activity of those who hold the certification, nourishing collective dreams such as acquiring boats, improving homes and strengthening the pride of perpetuating a culture passed down from generation to generation.

Maués guarana, bearer of traditions and certifications, embodies much more than a simple agricultural product. It represents a link between past and present, an example of economic and social success, and above all, a source of pride for those who contribute to its culture.


Guarana, a plant native to the Amazon, is cultivated for its caffeine-rich seeds and its stimulating properties. The process of growing guarana goes through several stages, from sowing the seeds to harvesting the fruits, growing and processing the seeds to obtain guarana powder.

1. Sowing the seeds: The process begins with sowing the guarana seeds. Farmers choose areas suitable for the growth of the plant, characterized by a tropical climate and high humidity. Seeds are sown in nutrient-rich, well-drained soils, promoting germination.

2. Cultivation: Growing guarana requires special attention. The plant climbs trees or other structures using its tendrils, creating a favorable environment for its development. Farmers take care to provide adequate irrigation and protect plants from pests. The growing period can last several years, with the first flowers appearing after about three years.

3. Flowering and pollination: Guarana flowers are small and white. They require cross-pollination to develop into fruit. Bees and other insects play a crucial role in this process, ensuring effective pollination and fruit formation.

4. Harvesting the fruits: Guarana fruits look like small red capsules. Once ripe, they are harvested by hand. Harvesting must be done carefully to avoid damaging the seeds contained inside.

5. Seed processing: After harvesting, guarana seeds are extracted from the fruits. They then undergo a drying process to reduce their water content. Once dried, the seeds are roasted, which develops their aromas and contributes to the release of caffeine. After roasting, the seeds are ground to obtain a fine powder.

6. Transformation into powder: The guarana powder thus obtained is often used in the manufacture of food supplements, energy drinks or added to other food products. Guarana powder is prized for its stimulating properties, due to its high content of caffeine, theobromine and theophylline.


The color of guarana is an important visual indicator as with acerola and acai, you will have a variable.

In the form of a drink you don't see it, but in powder form you will see it. And this color can be significantly different from chiaroscuro so to speak.  

When we examine each batch of guarana to ensure impeccable quality, we pay particular attention to several criteria, including  color . The color of guarana in powder form can vary, but is generally in a range from light to dark brown .

Guarana, extracted from the seeds of the eponymous plant, comes in powder form once processed. Light brown may indicate an early harvest, while dark brown often indicates more mature seeds. This color variation is directly linked to the harvest period, the quality of the drying and roasting process, as well as the conservation of the seeds.

The smell of guarana is just as significant. It is described as earthy and sometimes fermented . This olfactory characteristic results from the roasting process of the seeds, which develops the natural aromas of guarana. The earthy aspect can recall the subtle nuances of dry earth.

Regarding the taste , guarana has a characteristic flavor that will have earthy notes. This taste subtlety offers a unique sensory experience, often appreciated in food products and energy drinks. The flavor of guarana can be influenced by various factors, such as plant variety, growing conditions, and seed processing methods.


Guarana will be drunk in the form of a beverage. Like green tea. We will mix it with water or fruit juice. 

Guarana seeds, widely used for medicinal purposes in the Amazon among the tribes. But in Europe, Guarana is used as a substitute for coffee. They are distinguished by their richness in caffeine.

These seeds also contain tannins, as well as stimulants such as theophylline and theobromine .

As a result, guarana proves to be an effective ally for combating fatigue and improving mental alertness, but we will explain to you that EFSA carried out a study for weight loss and this study says no. 

Caffeine, a natural chemical compound found in various plants such as coffee, cocoa beans, tea leaves, guarana berries and kola nut , has been consumed for centuries.

It is commonly added to a variety of foods such as pastries, ice cream, candies and cola drinks.

Caffeine is also found in energy drinks, often combined with other ingredients such as taurine and D-glucurono-γ-lactone. In addition, it is present in combination with p-synephrine in several food supplements intended for weight loss and sports performance. Finally, caffeine is an integral part of certain medications and cosmetics


We are going to summarize the EFSA study by a group of EFSA scientists on dietetics, nutrition and allergies.

Individual doses of caffeine up to 200 mg – approximately 3 mg per kilogram of body weight (mg/kg bw) , from all sources, pose no safety risk to a healthy adult population.

This same amount of caffeine does not generate safety concerns when consumed less than two hours before intense physical exercise, under normal environmental conditions. Currently, no studies have been conducted on pregnant women or older people engaging in strenuous exercise.

 Individual doses of 100 mg (approximately 1.4 mg/kg bw) of caffeine may influence sleep duration and patterns in some adults, especially if ingested near bedtime.

Intakes of up to 400 mg per day (approximately 5.7 mg/kg bw), distributed throughout the day, pose no safety concerns for healthy adults in the general population, except pregnant women.

Pregnant/lactating women Caffeine intakes, from all sources, up to 200 mg per day consumed throughout the day do not represent any risk for the safety of the fetus.

Children and adolescents The individual doses of caffeine considered safe for adults (3 mg/kg bw per day) can also be applied to children, because the speed of elimination of caffeine in children and adolescents is at least equivalent to that of adults. Currently available studies on the acute effects of caffeine on anxiety and behavior in children and adolescents support this level. A safe level of 3 mg/kg bw per day is also suggested for regular caffeine consumption by children and adolescents.


Tips for using Guarana: Energize your day in a tasty and balanced way!

Guarana, an energizing plant native to the Amazon, can be integrated into your daily routine in different ways. Here are some practical tips for optimal consumption:

1. Recommended amount: To fully benefit from the benefits of guarana, one teaspoon of guarana powder per day (approximately 4 g) is sufficient. This ensures you an energizing dose while respecting the recommendations for use.

2. In what form? Guarana lends itself to a variety of preparations. You can consume it diluted in drinks or sprinkled on food. Both options offer flexibility depending on your preferences.

3. When is the best time? Breakfast is a great time to incorporate guarana, providing an energy boost to start the day off right. However, you can also consume it throughout the day, avoiding late hours so as not to disturb your sleep.

4. Ideas for use:

  • In a smoothie: Add a teaspoon of guarana powder to your morning smoothie for a delicious energy boost.
  • In a compote: Sprinkle guarana on a fruit compote for an energizing touch.
  • Diluted in fruit juice: Mix guarana powder into your favorite juice for a natural energy drink.
  • In a drink: Dilute guarana in hot water or an infusion for a stimulating alternative to classic drinks.
  • In sweet preparations: Integrate guarana into sweet recipes such as desserts or energy bars.
  • In a dairy product: Sprinkle it on your yogurt or mix it in cottage cheese for an energetic snack.
  • In a glass of water: Simply mix it in a glass of water for a quick and refreshing option.


Recommended daily allowances vary between age groups, with ranges established as follows within Member States:

  • Very elderly people (75 years and over): 22-417 mg
  • Elderly (65-75 years): 23-362 mg
  • Adults (18-65 years): 37-319 mg
  • Adolescents (10-18 years): 0.4-1.4 mg/kg body weight
  • Children (3-10 years): 0.2-2.0 mg/kg body weight
  • Young children (12-36 months): 0-2.1 mg/kg body weight

Surveys based on the EFSA Food Consumption Database reveal that, in most cases, coffee is the main source of caffeine for adults, accounting for between 40% and 94% of total intake.

However, in Ireland and the United Kingdom, tea takes the top spot, contributing 59% and 57% of total caffeine consumption respectively.

Significant disparities exist between countries regarding dietary sources of caffeine among adolescents. Chocolate is the main contributor in six surveys, coffee in four surveys, cola drinks in three surveys, and tea in two surveys. For the age group of children 3 to 10 years, chocolate (including cocoa-based drinks) dominates as the main source of caffeine, followed by tea and cola drinks in most countries.

In addition to cultural preferences, divergences in consumption levels can also be explained by the variability of caffeine concentrations present in certain food products. These concentrations depend on the manufacturing process, the type of coffee beans used, and the method of preparation, such as filter coffee or espresso. Caffeine levels in cocoa-based drinks are influenced by the amount and type of cocoa present in different brands.


Although guarana is widely recognized for its stimulating and energizing properties, overconsumption can lead to adverse effects. It is crucial to respect the recommended doses to avoid potential complications linked to excessive consumption.

Adverse effects of guarana when overused can include symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, heart palpitations, and headaches.

Due to its high caffeine content, guarana can act as a powerful stimulant, and too much can disrupt the circadian rhythm, leading to difficulty falling asleep.

Overconsumption of guarana can also cause gastrointestinal upset such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. People sensitive to caffeine, pregnant women, and those with cardiovascular conditions should be especially careful with their guarana intake, as these groups may be more likely to experience adverse effects.

It is essential to consult a healthcare professional before incorporating guarana into your daily routine, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions. Moderation is the key to enjoying the benefits of guarana without compromising your well-being. By respecting the recommended doses and remaining attentive to your individual tolerance, you can responsibly integrate guarana into your diet without risk of significant adverse effects.


EFSA does not authorize the claim that guarana is ideal for weight loss. No studies prove that Guarana can help you lose weight. 

If you wish to start a diet, we advise you to see your doctor and a nutritionist to create a suitable program. 


Let's find out together who should not consume guarana and the EFSA recommendations: 

  1. Pregnant and lactating women: Pregnant and lactating women should avoid excessive consumption of guarana due to its high caffeine content, which can potentially affect fetal development.

  2. People with heart conditions or hypertension: Individuals with a history of heart conditions or hypertension should use caution, as guarana may act as a cardiovascular stimulant.

  3. Drug Interactions: Interactions with certain medications may occur. It is advisable to consult a healthcare professional before consuming guarana, especially if medications are already taken.

Potential risks associated with overconsumption:

Overconsumption of guarana can cause short- and long-term adverse effects. In the short term, central nervous system disturbances such as interrupted sleep, anxiety and behavioral changes may occur. Over the long term, excessive consumption of caffeine, found in guarana, has been linked to cardiovascular problems.

Specific concerns in some EU member states:

Some Member States have raised concerns about the safety of caffeine consumption, particularly among adults engaging in strenuous physical activity and those combining caffeine with alcohol or substances found in energy drinks. In response, the Commission requested a safety assessment of caffeine by EFSA, emphasizing the importance of understanding the implications for different population groups. Before incorporating guarana into your routine, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional for safe use.


Opt without hesitation for Comptoir de Toamasina to purchase your guarana. There you will discover the best quality guarana powder available on the market.

Since 2015, Comptoir de Toamasina has established itself as a specialist in the acquisition of the most exceptional superfoods from Brazil.

Arnaud, an expert in careful selection, is committed to offering you the cream of the crop in guarana powder, coming directly from Brazil. Its dedication to quality ensures a unique and satisfying shopping experience.

We are also a French wholesaler in the sale of guarana powder. 

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