Madagascar Vanilla 50 Vanilla Beans Bourbon Madagascar - Gourmet, Prime, Grade A1 VANT50GB 1 Reviews €73.85 Madagascar bourbon vanilla pod in a black or brown color . It offers a unique scent of intense vanilla notes with a slightly cocoa flavor. This is the vanilla bean of star chefs . Our gourmet quality bourbon vanilla is ideal for use in salty or sweet cuisine. It comes from Mananara North , a vanilla that comes from a late harvest. Main Notes: Cocoa and... Add to cart
On sale! Madagascar Vanilla Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla - Categoria Ouro - 18 and 23 cm VABGM €8.00 Le Comptoir de Toamasina launches gourmet quality Bourbon Gold vanilla from Madagascar. This vanilla pod is superb and it is the fruit of research and testing in our plantation in Minas Gerais to select an intense vanilla. Main Notes: Cocoa and Caramel Aromatic: The star of pastry. A vanilla pod with an intense fragrance of gourmet vanilla, the most... Add to cart
Papaousie vanilla Vanilla Planifolia from Papua New Guinea VPPNG €6.86 The Vanilla Planifolia from Papua New Guinea is a rare vanilla pod, a luxury vanilla with intense and deep aromas. Papua New Guinea will produce vanilla pods of Tahitensis and Planifolia varieties. The Comptoir de Toamasina en Comptoir de la vanilla and vanilla researcher of the world offers you to buy the best black vanilla pods from Papua, of the... Add to cart
Madagascar Vanilla 5 Bourbon Vanilla Beans from Madagascar Gourmet VANT2-5 €10.55 Bourbon vanilla is the most emblematic vanilla in the world. Madagascar produces AOC Bourbon vanilla, a planifolia vanilla native to Mexico, with anintense vanilla aroma and a hint of chocolate. It is a large, beautiful vanilla pod. Comptoir de Toamasina offers you 5 beautiful Bourbon vanilla beans from Madagascar that are shiny, full-bodied, soft and... Add to cart
Vanilla Pods Vanilla Grand Cru Discovery Offer ODVGC €38.00 Discover our exclusive offer and savor two exceptional vanilla origins! Our Grand Cru vanilla discovery offer will introduce you to Madagascar Planifolia vanilla and Papua Tahitensis vanilla. Why choose just one variety when you can explore two unique terroirs and two distinct varieties? The Arnaud Vanille Grand Cru vanilla selection includes the purchase... Add to cart