Acai in Freeze Dried Powder
Acai in Freeze Dried Powder
Acai in Freeze Dried Powder
Acai in Freeze Dried Powder
Acai in Freeze Dried Powder
Acai in Freeze Dried Powder
Acai in Freeze Dried Powder
Acai in Freeze Dried Powder
Acai in Freeze Dried Powder
Acai in Freeze Dried Powder
Acai in Freeze Dried Powder
Acai in Freeze Dried Powder
Acai in Freeze Dried Powder
Acai in Freeze Dried Powder

Acai in Freeze Dried Powder

Acai naturally has a strong antioxidant power thanks to its contents naturally rich in polyphenols and vitamin C. Acai also has a high fiber content but also vitamin E and iron. Our acai comes directly from the heart of the Brazilian Amazon, more precisely from Para. Buy the best acai powder.

  • Power of the spice: 9/10
  • Main notes: Characteristic flavor of acai with a mixture of fruit and chocolate
  • Usage: In sweet and salty
  • Native: Brazil, Para and Amazonas

At Comptoir de Toamasina you will buy the best acai berry. We offer you the best quality at the best price of acai berry powder. If you are wondering where to find acai powder.

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Comptoir de Toamasina presents its RWD açaí powder, a superfood from the pinot palm ( Euterpe oleracea ), a treasure of the South American Amazon. Our açaí, grown with respect for biodiversity, is a concentrate of vitality with multiple virtues. We will explain our approach to you.  

A Vibrant Color, A Unique Taste  The purple hue of our açaí reflects its richness in anthocyanins , pigments with exceptional antioxidant properties. This berry is also an abundant source of phenols , amplifying its antioxidant potential. With its distinctive flavor reminiscent of red fruits and chocolate, our RWD açaí powder is a delight for the senses and an ally for your well-being.  

Nutrition and Health: The Superpowers of Açaí  Our açaí powder is a true concentrate of nutrients. It is naturally sugar-free and rich in fiber , calcium and iron . Integrating açaí into your diet means choosing a lifestyle focused on creative cooking and balance. As we can see on the doctissimo site here is a summary of information on açai, Le Comptoir de Toamasina does not have the right to talk about the benefits due to (CE) No. 1924/2006 of the European Parliament, we offer a summary that you can on competing sites and other sites that have not yet had control:      

  • Super Antioxidant  : Acai is a fruit that contains antioxidants
  • Rich in Fiber  : Benefit from a natural appetite suppressant effect for prolonged satiety.
  • Essential Minerals  : Boost your energy and your sporting performance thanks to a source of minerals but above all acai contains a lot of calories
  • Omegas 6 and 9  : Acai naturally contains omegas 6 and 9

Ecological and Social Commitment  By choosing RWD açaí powder from Le Comptoir de Toamasina, you support local communities and contribute to the preservation of the Amazon . Our harvesting and production process respects the environment and promotes reforestation. We chose a plantation that produces acai in an eco-responsible project.   

Incomparable Quality and Flavor  With Abaçai by Le Comptoir de Toamasina, immerse yourself in a world of superior quality. Our RWD açaí powder, obtained by an innovative drying process, fully preserves the aromas and benefits of the berry.

Creative and Gourmet Cuisine  Açaí RWD is the perfect ingredient for your açai bowls , smoothies , and frozen delights . Discover our inspiring recipes on our blog and YouTube channel, and let your culinary creativity run wild.   

Buy with Confidence  At Comptoir de Toamasina, we guarantee you the best value for money, without intermediaries. Do yourself good naturally with the Amazonian superfruit.

Integrate Açaí into Your Daily Life and Take Advantage of Its Superpowers!


In 2017, Arnaud Sion, the passionate creator of Comptoir de Toamasina and nature lover, undertook an epic journey from Belo Horizonte to the confines of the Amazon forest, in Para. His goal ? Discover the secrets of açaí, this mysterious superfruit whose purple berries contain vital energy.

At the wheel of his pick-up, Arnaud crossed kilometers of winding roads, leaving behind the lights of the city to get lost in the Cerrado. It is during this trip that he will discover the tonka bean but also the vanilla of the Cerrado. .

In the heart of this wild region, he had heard of açaí plantations, but he did not yet suspect the extraordinary adventure that awaited him.

As part of reforestation, he discovered an Acai plantation in the middle of the Amazon. Here, irrigation is done by drip and above all the workers who work benefit from the school for the children for example. 

This project has profound human and environmental value. 

Today, when you taste our RWD açaí powder, remember Arnaud, his quest and this plantation in the heart of the Amazon. Each spoon is imbued with this history, this passion, and the love for nature that drives us.


Acai, this small fruit straight from the Amazon, is a real culinary discovery. Its unique flavor is difficult to describe, but it is a cross between  red fruits  and  cocoa . We find red fruit notes with a touch of cocoa and cinnamon for the sweet side


The açaí fruit, from the eponymous palm tree, is a treasure of Amazonian biodiversity, present not only in Brazil but also in other countries such as Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. This palm thrives in humid and riverine areas, requiring approximately 120 liters of water per day for each mature tree in order to fruit. These ideal conditions are mainly found in northern Brazil, where humidity and precipitation are generous.  

The term “açaí” is derived from the Tupi Guarani “yasai”, meaning “crying fruit”, in reference to the juice flowing from the fruit. The most common type of açaí in Brazil is small, dark purple in color, with a tiny stone surrounded by a thin layer of pulp. Its scientific name is Euterpe oleracea Mart , and it belongs to the Arecaceae family. The state of Pará is the main producer of this variety of açaí, controlling almost 90% of the national market. However, açaí is an important cultural element throughout the Amazon region. 

Açaí varieties : In Brazil, EMBRAPA has cataloged six varieties of açaí, distinguished by their structure, color, size and chemical composition. Here are the types:

  • Açaí Purple or Black  : This is the most popular variety, characterized previously.
  • Açaí Sangue de Boi  : Red in color, it is less consumed due to its paste consistency and distinct taste from purple açaí.
  • Açaí Açu  : Native to the Peruvian Amazon, it produces up to 70% more pulp per fruit, but its popularity is less due to the extra care required for its harvest and storage.
  • White Açaí  : Popular in the state of Pará, it is rarer and therefore more expensive, and its seed is actually greenish.
  • Açaí Espada  : Recognizable by its branched clusters, this variety is common on Combu Island, opposite Belém.
  • Açaí Chumbinho  : Its fruits, weighing less than 1 g even when ripe, vary from purple to white. Due to its small size, pulp production is not commercially viable.

Production Process : Artisanal production of açaí begins with pickers, or peconheiros, who climb palm trees of up to 25 meters using peconha, a special rope. The fruits are then immersed in water for 24 hours before being sifted to extract the pulp. This pulp is often consumed pure, but it is also used in various recipes such as jams, sorbets, cakes or alcoholic drinks. The seeds can be made into açaí coffee or used as raw material for local crafts.

In industrial production, pulp extraction involves several steps, including cleaning, disinfection and separation of the fruits, thereby eliminating the protozoan that causes Chagas disease. The fruits then pass through a pulp machine which efficiently separates the pulp from the seeds. The pulp is then categorized, frozen and stored at very low temperature.

Açaí pulp will keep for one year from its production date if kept frozen at subzero temperatures and properly packaged. If it is refrigerated and not consumed within two to three days, it oxidizes, or “azedar” as they say in the North.

Pulp Classification : Açaí pulp is classified according to the quantity of water added during its extraction:

  • Fine or Popular Açaí  : With more water added, it contains 8 to 11% dry matter and has a slightly dense consistency.
  • Medium or Regular Açaí  : Contains 11 to 14% dry matter and has a dense consistency.
  • Açaí Coarse or Special  : With less water added, it contains more than 14% dry matter and has a very dense consistency.

Curiosity : In Pará, there are still unique culinary traditions and practices around açaí, testifying to the cultural and gastronomic richness of the region.


Comptoir de Toamasina has found a company recognized in Brazil for being the most extensive açaí producer in Brazil, with an impressive area of ​​over 1,000 hectares dedicated to the cultivation of this superfruit. These lands are spread across farms located in the state of Pará, where plantations began around the 2010s.    

Initially, these areas were degraded pastures, but through innovation and technology they have been transformed to grow açaí, while respecting the natural environment.

Açaí, whose fruit is harvested from the Euterpe oleracea palm tree , is native to the wetlands and floodplains of the Amazon. These regions are characterized by periodic tidal flooding, creating ideal conditions for the growth of the açaí tree which requires a lot of water for its survival, flowering and fruiting. 

Our producer  has innovated by developing his plantations in arid areas, where flooded land has been dried out.

This is because açaís in areas that are constantly flooded do not produce fruit of satisfactory quality.

To overcome this problem, a modern drip irrigation system was installed, integrating fertilization and providing additional water during dry seasons.

Soil fertility and plant nutrition are monitored by regular laboratory analyses, thus ensuring the quality and organoleptic properties of the harvested fruits.

As part of its commitment to quality and innovation, it  has also undertaken a plant breeding program over the past decade, identifying plants with the best productive potential and fruit quality. The company experimented with different planting spacings and densities to optimize plant distribution and architecture. Two of the three farms are now grown organically, incorporating new management practices that reflect a modern approach to food production: healthier, contaminant-free foods that contribute to the regeneration and preservation of the environment, while promoting social development.

Our partner's operations have a significant impact on the local economy, generating income and jobs in a region where opportunities are scarce, thereby stimulating the region's economic and social growth. Comptoir de Toamasina, with its avant-garde approach, supplies not only Brazil but also the whole world with high-quality açaí-derived products, such as açaí pulp and powder.

You are wondering how to plant acai at home, here is Arnaud's answer to your question: 

Tips for successful açaí growing:

  1. Choice of plants:  Select plants of reliable origin, healthy and without parasites. The soil must be rich in nutrients and well drained to avoid accumulation of water harmful to the roots.

  2. Sun Exposure:  Açaí requires a lot of light for healthy growth. Make sure to plant in a sunny location.

  3. Strategic pruning:  Practice regular pruning to remove dry or diseased branches and stimulate productive branches, thus promoting a better harvest.

  4. Adequate irrigation:  Maintain constant humidity without waterlogging the soil to protect the roots.

  5. Balanced fertilization:  Perform periodic soil tests to adjust fertilization according to the nutritional needs of the plants.

  6. Pest and Disease Control:  Monitor plants regularly and use preventative methods to protect against pests and diseases.


Food preservation is a mainstay of the food industry, and dehydration is a proven method for extending the durability of food while preserving its nutritional qualities. 

We have selected a company that stands out for its adoption of a cutting-edge technique: the Refractance Window Dry (RWD) method.

This avant-garde process uses a Mylar® sheet to diffuse the heat necessary for drying through moving water, heated between 95 and 98°C . The açaí, spread in a thin layer on this sheet, is effectively dried in 5 to 10 minutes at mild temperatures of 30 to 70°C . This approach maintains the nutritional and taste attributes of açaí, including vitamins, fats, antioxidants and pigments.    

The benefits are obvious: the açaí powder produced by RWD displays polyphenol and anthocyanin levels of 28,000 and 5,300 mg/kg , attesting to the ability of this method to maintain bioactive compounds. In addition, the homogeneous, non-porous structure of dried açaí limits oxidation and the generation of free radicals, unlike traditional methods which increase porosity and vulnerability to oxidation. 

Analyzes by scanning electron microscopy show that the product dried by RWD has a superior structure to that resulting from freeze-drying, drum drying or spray drying. The RWD method, by preventing cross-contamination and reducing energy consumption, represents a sustainable and efficient solution for the food sector.

Our partner is not limited to the production of premium açaí powder; the company also offers other dehydrated fruits, such as Passion Fruit powder, using the same RWD technology. 

Here is the  Nutritional Declaration for 15g of Acai powder:

  • Energy:  70 kcal / 295 kJ
  • Fat:  6.2 g
    • Including Saturated Fatty Acids: 1.4 g
  • Carbohydrates:  2 g
    • Sugar: 1 g
  • Dietary Fiber:  4 g
  • Protein:  1.4 g
  • Salt:  3.6 mg
  • Iron:  0.7 mg
  • Copper:  0.16 mg

Nutritional Declaration for 100g of Acai powder:

  • Energy:  467 kcal / 1968 kJ
  • Fat:  41.35 g
    • Including Saturated Fatty Acids: 9.38 g
  • Carbohydrates:  13.34 g
    • Sugar: 6.67 g
  • Dietary Fiber:  26.68 g
  • Protein:  9.38 g
  • Salt:  24.06 mg
  • Iron:  4.66 mg
  • Copper:  1.06 mg


Find out here how to make your homemade frozen acai pulp with our acai powder. 

Creation of the Original Acai Base

Key Ingredients

  • Purified Water : 75%
  • Premium Acai Powder Abaçai : 3%
  • Natural Cane Sugar : 14%
  • Corn Glucose : 6%
  • Natural Stabilizing Agent : 2%

Preparation Method

  1. Mix the Acai Abaçai powder in the water.
  2. Gradually add the sugar, glucose and stabilizing agent.
  3. Stir until the mixture is perfectly smooth.

Preparation of Concentrated Acai Base

Essential Ingredients

  • Acai Abaçai Powder : 80g
  • Filtered Water : 920g

Preparation Method

  1. Carefully dissolve the Acai powder in water.
  2. Shake until completely dissolved.

Preparation of an Invigorating Acai Juice


  • Freshly Prepared Acai Base
  • Water : 50% of the desired final volume

Preparation Method

  1. Mix the Acai base with the water.
  2. Add water until reaching 150% of the initial volume for an exquisite juice.

Homemade Acai Sorbet: A Tropical Refreshment

Preparation Method

  1. Use the prepared Acai base.
  2. Freeze it to enjoy a creamy and refreshing sorbet.

Creamy Acai Bowl: Healthy Gourmet


  • Acai Abaçai Powder : 30g
  • Sugar to your taste : 50g
  • Spring Water : 60ml
  • Ice cubes : 200g

Preparation Method

  1. Combine Acai powder, sugar and water.
  2. Mix with the ice cubes until you obtain a creamy consistency.
  3. Enjoy without delay.

Acai and Weight Management

Acai is often at the heart of discussions about weight management. Although it is rich in nutrients with 2.37% protein and 5.96% lipids, its moderate integration into a balanced diet is essential.

Nutritional Advice

Monitor the amount of sugar added to your acai preparations and opt for healthy accompaniments to maintain optimal nutritional balance.

Native country
Euterpe oleracea
Acai Powder
Preparation / Delivery
Preparation within 24 hours - Delivery within 48 hours
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