Pink Berry - Brazil
Pink Berry - Brazil
Pink Berry - Brazil
Buy Pink Berry - Brazil
Pink Berry - Brazil
Pink Berry - Brazil
Pink Berry - Brazil
Pink Berry - Brazil
Pink Berry - Brazil
Pink Berry - Brazil
Pink Berry - Brazil
Pink Berry - Brazil
Pink Berry - Brazil
Buy Pink Berry - Brazil
Pink Berry - Brazil
Pink Berry - Brazil
Pink Berry - Brazil
Pink Berry - Brazil
Pink Berry - Brazil
Pink Berry - Brazil

Pink Berry - Brazil

Discovered in Brazil, this fake pepper gives a pink berry or also called pink pepper.

The pink berries draw their aromas from the earth and give you a resinous and slightly tart fragrance.

  • Bay Power: 4/10
  • Main notes: Softwood and acidulous
  • Use: Salmon, foie gras, soup, fish, tagliatelle and vegetables
  • Origin: Brazil

The pink berry are also eaten as a starter in a raw salad, summer and winter salad. We also like it in white cheeses, decorate cheeses like goat cheese and also in desserts for decoration.

Buy Brazilian berries with its symphony of unique flavors and discover our tips for use, recipes for using them. You will buy them at the best price per kilo.

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Le Comptoir de Toamasina offers you the purchase of pink berries from Brazil. A berry that can replace pepper wonderfully. 

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Pink Berry, this Brazilian culinary treasure also known as pink pepper, and let yourself be seduced by its delicate aromas and unparalleled versatility.

This berry originates from the fertile lands of Brazil, the Pink Berry offers a resinous and slightly tangy scent that evokes the exotic delights of this region. Its aromatic note, rated 4 out of 10, reveals subtle nuances of resin and acidity, making it an ideal companion for a variety of dishes, from fish and tagliatelle to cheeses and vegetables.

In the kitchen, you can use it to add a touch of elegance to your raw vegetables or summer and winter salads, or let it enhance the sweetness of white cheeses. As a final touch, its flavors pair wonderfully with goat cheeses and desserts, bringing a note of sophistication to every bite.

At Comptoir de Toamasina, we invite you to discover Baie Rose in all its splendor. Make the best value for money purchase of this exceptional little cabinet that will take your kitchen on a journey. Here you will discover how to use the pink berry, its history and how it is produced. 


Pink pepper  is   the fruit of a tree called aroeira in Brazil which is native to South America and in the same family as the  mango  or  cashew nut .  Pink pepper is not a true pepper , although  it is slightly peppery . However, it does not resemble  red pepper  or  black pepper .

You should know that there are two species that produce pink berry:  the mastic-pepper (Schinus terebintifolius, native to Brazil)  and  salsa mastic (Schinus Molle, native to colder regions of South America ). Both are similar and produce edible berries.

The fruit  are  small berries  that arise at the  ends of the branches .

They are very fragile. They have a red or coral pink color. It is a very aromatic seed and above all very fragile.

For this reason, they must be handled with care and delicacy. Otherwise, the husk of the berry breaks and  the pink pepper  or  pink berry loses its beauty .

If one day you want to produce  your own pink berries , know that there is one with  thin leaves  and branches like a weeping willow: aroeira  -salsa .

The most common is the  aroeira-pimenteira  which has rounded leaves, stems which become firmer and will form a tree 7 to 10 meters high.

If you ever decide to harvest your own pink berries, know that the two types of mastic have some differences. The aroeira-salsa  has thin leaves and the branches hang down like a weeping willow. It is very common in the southern and southeastern regions of  Brazil . The aroeira-pimenteira has rounded leaves, stems that become firmer and even form a tree 7 to 10 meters high.


The “pink pepper” fruit comes from the aroeira tree, native to South America and part of the same family as the mango or cashew nut. Although pink pepper has a slight peppery note, it differs from both red and black pepper.

There are two main species producing pink berry: pepper mastic (Schinus terebintifolius, native to Brazil) and salsa mastic (Schinus Molle, native to cooler regions of South America). These two varieties are similar and produce edible berries.

The cultivation of pink berries is mainly concentrated in Brazil, with the Schinus terebinthifolius species predominating. Here are some details about their culture in this country:

Initially developed in Brazil, the culture gradually spread to other regions such as the United States, New Caledonia, Reunion and Madagascar. Today, Brazil and Madagascar remain the main world producers of pink berries from this species.

The state of Bahia, Brazil, is renowned for its significant production of pink berries, characterized by exceptional quality. The berries are sorted by hand and dried in a natural way, ensuring a high quality product.

Although the species is native to the Andes in Peru, it is primarily used on the Brazilian coast for its bright pink seeds.

Brazilian pink berries are distinguished by their magnificent color ranging from pale pink to carmine red. Their exceptional taste is sweet, resinous and floral, devoid of bitterness or spiciness.

Description of the Tree

The aroeira-vermelha, an evergreen species, begins its growth reaching between 5 and 10 meters in height and a trunk of 20 to 30 cm in diameter. When mature, this tree can reach up to 15 meters in height with a trunk diameter of up to 60 cm.

The trunk of the aroeira-vermelha is generally twisted and short, with a broad, rounded, relatively sparse crown. Main branches develop directly from the trunk, giving rise to secondary branches that grow horizontally at different angles, illustrating the botanical phenomenon of plagiotropism. Unlike other trees, the aroeira-vermelha does not develop vertical (orthotropic) branches.

Its outer bark is dark, thick, rough and ridged, breaking off in irregular patches. The inner bark is reddish, fibrous and gives off a characteristic turpentine odor.

The leaves, compound and imparipinnate, are glabrous and alternate, composed of 9 to 11 leaflets. The young leaves have a trifoliate structure, and the rachis is finely winged between each pair of leaflets. The leaflets are oblong to lanceolate, green and have serrated or smooth edges.

The flowers, present on male and female trees, are actinomorphic, pentamerous and dicline. They consist of five green sepals, five white petals and a golden nectar disc. Male flowers contain ten stamens with yellow dorsifixed anthers, while female flowers have a trilobed stigma, a superior unilocular ovary with a single ovule, and a nonfunctional androecium.

The fruit is a round drupe 4 to 5.5 mm in diameter, changing from light green to red when ripe. This fruit, with a sweet and aromatic taste, is used as a condiment under the name pink pepper. It contains only one kidney-shaped seed with a smooth, light yellow shell marked with a dark brown spot.

Seeds and Reproduction

The seeds of the aroeira-vermelha are of the orthodox type, and their conservation depends on environmental conditions: they can be stored up to 360 days with 7.8% humidity in a dry room, up to six months with 12. 6% humidity in a cold room, and up to five months in the laboratory with 12.6% humidity. A kilogram of dry seeds contains approximately 35,000 units, with each thousand seeds weighing approximately 24.5 g. The seeds are mainly dispersed by birds of various families.

The aroeira-vermelha is a dioecious species, requiring cross-pollination by insects such as bees, flies and wasps. Flowering and fruiting are influenced by increasing temperature, water availability and day length.

On the Santa Catarina coast, flowering occurs in two periods: from October to November and from February to April. In Curitiba, flowering begins in February, with the first fruits visible 29 days later and reaching maturity between April and May. In the Northern Fluminense restingas, flowering is most intense during the summer, with fruiting taking place between April and July.

In Sooretama, ES, two periods of flowering and fruiting are observed: from mid-November to January and from May to June, with peak production between late May and early June.

Natural Distribution

Aroeira-vermelha is found naturally in eastern and northeastern Argentina, eastern Paraguay, Uruguay, and several Brazilian states. Introduced to Florida in 1898, it became an invasive species and also spread to Europe and South America.


Aroeira-vermelha is widely harvested by farmers and local communities, particularly in areas where the fruit processing industry is present. The sale of fruit provides additional income to local populations, especially women and young people.

However, this exploitation is often not sustainable. Sometimes trees are felled to facilitate harvesting, especially on private land intended to be converted to crops or pastures in the short term. Managers who practice sustainable harvesting methods do not receive additional recognition or benefits.

Some industries seek to raise awareness among producers by providing equipment to improve the quality of the harvest. To ensure sustainable production, the development of cultivation techniques for aroeira-vermelha is essential.

Climate and Soil

The aroeira-vermelha adapts to a variety of climates, from arid regions with annual rainfall of 700 mm to humid areas with rainfall of 1,300 mm. It prefers well-drained, acidic or slightly acidic soils with an aluminum saturation of less than 50%.


Pink peppercorns, also known as "pink peppercorns", are small dried berries from the Schinus Molle tree, a tree native to South America. Their unique flavor is distinguished by several characteristics:

  1. Delicately Peppery Flavor: The pink berries offer a subtly peppery flavor. Unlike black pepper, they are not spicy, bringing a slight heat to your dishes without dominating the other flavors.
  2. Fruity and Slightly Sweet Notes: These berries have a fruity sweetness reminiscent of citrus fruits. They add a sweet and tangy touch, enriching your preparations with a delicate taste complexity.
  3. Anise Scent: Their scent is sweet with a hint of anise, evoking notes of licorice and wild berries. This unique aromatic combination contributes to their culinary appeal.
  4. Heat Sensitivity: Pink berries contain essential oils which evaporate quickly in heat. To preserve their delicate aroma, it is best to add them at the end of cooking.


Travel into the world of flavors with pink berries. Arnaud, the creator of Comptoir de Toamasina, is a lover of this spice and offers you 8 incredible recipes to make. 

1. Shrimp Salad with Mango and Pink Berries

Ingredients :

  • 300g cooked shrimp
  • 1 ripe mango
  • 100g of arugula
  • 1 lawyer
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon crushed pink berries
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation :

  1. Cut the mango and avocado into cubes.
  2. Mix the shrimp, mango, avocado and arugula in a salad bowl.
  3. Season with lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper.
  4. Sprinkle with crushed pink berries before serving.

2. Tuna Tartare with Pink Berries

Ingredients :

  • 200g fresh tuna
  • 1 shallot
  • 1 tablespoon of capers
  • 2 tablespoons of lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon of sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon crushed pink berries
  • 1 tablespoon chopped chives

Preparation :

  1. Cut the tuna into small cubes.
  2. Slice the shallot and chives.
  3. Mix the tuna with the shallots, capers, lime juice, soy sauce, sesame oil and pink peppers.
  4. Serve chilled, sprinkled with chives.

3. Butternut cream soup with pink berries

Ingredients :

  • 1 butternut squash (around 800g)
  • 1 onion
  • 1 liter of vegetable broth
  • 100ml fresh cream
  • 1 teaspoon crushed pink berries
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation :

  1. Peel and cut the squash and onion.
  2. Brown the onion in the olive oil, then add the squash and the broth. Simmer until tender.
  3. Mix everything until smooth, then add the crème fraîche.
  4. Season with salt, po

4. Duck breast with pink berries

Ingredients :

  • 2 duck breasts
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon crushed pink berries
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation :

  1. Score the skin of the duck breasts and cook them over medium heat until they are golden brown (about 6-7 minutes on the skin side, then 4-5 minutes on the flesh side).
  2. Remove the breasts and discard the excess fat. Return them to the pan with the honey, balsamic vinegar and pink peppercorns.
  3. Let the sauce reduce for a few minutes while basting the duck breasts. Serve hot.

5. Salmon Fillet with Pink Berry Crust

Ingredients :

  • 4 salmon fillets
  • 2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard
  • 4 tablespoons of breadcrumbs
  • 1 tablespoon crushed pink berries
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation :

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  2. Brush the salmon fillets with mustard, then sprinkle with breadcrumbs and crushed pink berries.
  3. Bake for about 20 minutes, until the salmon is cooked through.

6. Risotto with Asparagus and Pink Berries

Ingredients :

  • 300g Arborio rice
  • 1 bunch of asparagus (around 500g)
  • 1 liter of vegetable broth
  • 1 onion
  • 150ml white wine
  • 50g grated parmesan
  • 1 teaspoon crushed pink berries
  • 50g butter
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil

Preparation :

  1. Brown the chopped onion in the olive oil, add the rice and brown it.
  2. Deglaze with the white wine, then add the broth little by little, stirring constantly.
  3. Cut the asparagus into pieces, add it to the risotto halfway through cooking and continue cooking until the rice is creamy.
  4. Add the parmesan, butter and pink berries before serving.

7. Panna Cotta with Vanilla and Pink Berries

Ingredients :

  • 500ml liquid cream
  • 80g of sugar
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 3 leaves of gelatin
  • 1 teaspoon crushed pink berries

Preparation :

  1. Heat the cream with the sugar and the split vanilla pod.
  2. Remove from the heat, add the gelatin leaves previously softened in cold water.
  3. Pour into glasses and leave to set in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.
  4. When serving, sprinkle with crushed pink berries.

8. Gin and Tonic Cocktail with Pink Berries

Ingredients :

  • 50ml of gin
  • 150ml of tonic
  • 5-6 whole pink berries
  • Lemon zest
  • Ice cubes

Preparation :

  1. Fill a glass with ice cubes.
  2. Add 50ml of gin and complete with 150ml of tonic.
  3. Add a few whole pink berries and a lemon zest for the finishing touch.


Voyagez dans le monde des saveurs avec les baies roses. Arnaud, le créateur du Comptoir de Toamasina est un amoureux de cette épice et vous propose 8 recettes incroyables à réaliser. 

1. Salade de Crevettes à la Mangue et Baies Roses


  • 300g de crevettes cuites
  • 1 mangue mûre
  • 100g de roquette
  • 1 avocat
  • 2 cuillères à soupe de jus de citron
  • 3 cuillères à soupe d'huile d'olive
  • 1 cuillère à café de baies roses concassées
  • Sel et poivre au goût


  1. Coupez la mangue et l'avocat en dés.
  2. Mélangez les crevettes, la mangue, l'avocat et la roquette dans un saladier.
  3. Assaisonnez avec du jus de citron, de l'huile d'olive, du sel et du poivre.
  4. Parsemez de baies roses concassées avant de servir.

2. Tartare de Thon aux Baies Roses


  • 200g de thon frais
  • 1 échalote
  • 1 cuillère à soupe de câpres
  • 2 cuillères à soupe de jus de citron vert
  • 1 cuillère à soupe de sauce soja
  • 1 cuillère à café d'huile de sésame
  • 1 cuillère à café de baies roses concassées
  • 1 cuillère à soupe de ciboulette ciselée


  1. Coupez le thon en petits dés.
  2. Émincez l'échalote et la ciboulette.
  3. Mélangez le thon avec les échalotes, les câpres, le jus de citron vert, la sauce soja, l'huile de sésame et les baies roses.
  4. Servez frais, parsemé de ciboulette.

3. Velouté de Butternut aux Baies Roses


  • 1 courge butternut (environ 800g)
  • 1 oignon
  • 1 litre de bouillon de légumes
  • 100ml de crème fraîche
  • 1 cuillère à café de baies roses concassées
  • 2 cuillères à soupe d'huile d'olive
  • Sel et poivre au goût


  1. Épluchez et coupez la courge et l'oignon.
  2. Faites revenir l'oignon dans l'huile d'olive, puis ajoutez la courge et le bouillon. Laissez mijoter jusqu'à tendreté.
  3. Mixez le tout pour obtenir un velouté, puis ajoutez la crème fraîche.
  4. Assaisonnez avec du sel, du po

4. Magret de Canard aux Baies Roses


  • 2 magrets de canard
  • 2 cuillères à soupe de miel
  • 2 cuillères à soupe de vinaigre balsamique
  • 1 cuillère à soupe de baies roses concassées
  • Sel et poivre au goût


  1. Quadrillez la peau des magrets et faites-les cuire à feu moyen jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient dorés (environ 6-7 minutes côté peau, puis 4-5 minutes côté chair).
  2. Retirez les magrets et jetez l'excès de graisse. Remettez-les dans la poêle avec le miel, le vinaigre balsamique et les baies roses.
  3. Laissez réduire la sauce quelques minutes en arrosant les magrets. Servez chaud.

5. Filet de Saumon en Croûte de Baies Roses


  • 4 filets de saumon
  • 2 cuillères à soupe de moutarde de Dijon
  • 4 cuillères à soupe de chapelure
  • 1 cuillère à soupe de baies roses concassées
  • Sel et poivre au goût


  1. Préchauffez le four à 180°C.
  2. Badigeonnez les filets de saumon de moutarde, puis saupoudrez de chapelure et de baies roses concassées.
  3. Faites cuire au four pendant environ 20 minutes, jusqu'à ce que le saumon soit bien cuit.

6. Risotto aux Asperges et Baies Roses


  • 300g de riz Arborio
  • 1 botte d'asperges (environ 500g)
  • 1 litre de bouillon de légumes
  • 1 oignon
  • 150ml de vin blanc
  • 50g de parmesan râpé
  • 1 cuillère à café de baies roses concassées
  • 50g de beurre
  • 2 cuillères à soupe d'huile d'olive


  1. Faites revenir l'oignon haché dans l'huile d'olive, ajoutez le riz et faites-le nacrer.
  2. Déglacez avec le vin blanc, puis ajoutez le bouillon petit à petit en remuant constamment.
  3. Coupez les asperges en morceaux, ajoutez-les au risotto à mi-cuisson et continuez la cuisson jusqu'à ce que le riz soit crémeux.
  4. Incorporez le parmesan, le beurre et les baies roses avant de servir.

7. Panna Cotta à la Vanille et Baies Roses


  • 500ml de crème liquide
  • 80g de sucre
  • 1 gousse de vanille
  • 3 feuilles de gélatine
  • 1 cuillère à café de baies roses concassées


  1. Faites chauffer la crème avec le sucre et la gousse de vanille fendue.
  2. Hors du feu, ajoutez les feuilles de gélatine préalablement ramollies dans l'eau froide.
  3. Versez dans des verrines et laissez prendre au réfrigérateur pendant au moins 4 heures.
  4. Au moment de servir, saupoudrez de baies roses concassées.

8. Cocktail Gin Tonic aux Baies Roses


  • 50ml de gin
  • 150ml de tonic
  • 5-6 baies roses entières
  • Zeste de citron
  • Glaçons


  1. Remplissez un verre de glaçons.
  2. Ajoutez 50ml de gin et complétez avec 150ml de tonic.
  3. Ajoutez quelques baies roses entières et un zeste de citron pour la touche finale.
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Pink Bay
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Preparation within 24 hours - Delivery within 48 hours
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