Acerola Powder by the Kilo - Malphighia punicifolia
Acerola Powder by the Kilo - Malphighia punicifolia
Acerola Powder by the Kilo - Malphighia punicifolia
Acerola Powder by the Kilo - Malphighia punicifolia
Acerola Powder by the Kilo - Malphighia punicifolia
Acerola Powder by the Kilo - Malphighia...
Acerola Powder by the Kilo - Malphighia...
Acerola Powder by the Kilo - Malphighia...
Acerola Powder by the Kilo - Malphighia...
Acerola Powder by the Kilo - Malphighia...

Acerola Powder by the Kilo - Malphighia punicifolia

The acerola is first of all a tree in South America. More particularly from Brazil from the Amazon to Minas Gerais. Its fruit is the Barbados cherry or West Indian cherry. It is a small red berry known as a natural source of vitamin C. It is 20 times more than a glass of orange juice. Acerola Powder 500g Malphighia punicifolia Pure and Organic.

  • Power of the cherry: 7/10
  • Main Notes: Slightly tart notes
  • Use: Every morning
  • Active Principle: Vitamin C, minimum content 17.61 in accordance with Brazilian regulations
  • Native: Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo - Brazil

Comptoir de Toamasina is France's leading wholesaler for acerola. Acerola is an important source naturally of Vitamince C. Buy the best quality here and at the best price.

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At Comptoir de Toamasina , we are proud to present our Acerola Powder by the kilo - Malphighia punicifolia , an exceptional superfruit, now available by the kilo.  

I am Arnaud Sion, the creator of Comptoir de Toamasina and I would like to offer you natural vitamin C. This acerola is used as a food supplement in Brazil, in France we sell this acerola powder in 1kg format or more for lovers of this superfruit, to mix it in cocktails, fruit salads, smoothies and others. 

Just like our Madagascar bourbon vanilla , our acerola is selected for its quality, offering an optimal concentration of vitamin C to enrich your daily diet.

As a specialized wholesaler, we guarantee the best harvest acerola, with a fine and pure powder, ideal for wellness enthusiasts and professionals who wish to market it. Our products are carefully chosen for their nutritional qualities, bringing a tropical touch to your recipes and drinks.

Explore our blog to discover innovative and creative recipe ideas with acerola. Incorporate this magic powder into your cooking and feel the difference in your vitality and energy.

Our 1kg packaging of Acerola Powder offers you the purity and power of this superfruit, easy to store and use daily.

Exclusive prices for Gourmet quality Acerola Powder:

  • 500g: 47 euros 
  • 1kg: 77 euros 
  • 5kg: 350 euros
  • 10kg: 650 euros 

For bulk orders, in particular 20kg of Acerola Powder, benefit from a preferential rate from  55 euros per kilo . For more information, do not hesitate to contact us by email.


Before telling you about acerola in more detail, I need to introduce you to acerola in general. We offer here a summary of the study. We recommend Pasteur's study on acerola and allergies. 

We sell acerola for food purposes only.

Recommended Dosage

Although scientific studies do not yet provide consensus on a precise dosage, it is commonly accepted that daily consumption of 1 gram of acerola pulp is safe, given its high concentration of vitamin C. However, some Quantities of up to 3 to 6 grams of powder can be consumed without notable drawbacks.    

It is advisable to consult a health specialist to determine the dosage best suited to your profile and nutritional needs.

Risk of Overdose

Debate persists regarding the possibility of overdosing on vitamin C. Theoretically, even at high doses, vitamin C remains non-toxic and safe from overdose.

Administration mode

To benefit from a regular intake of natural vitamin C, it is recommended to dissolve acerola powder in 500 ml of water or in your favorite drink, to consume gradually over the day.  

Acerola powder can also be included in your daily culinary preparations, provided you do not heat it above 40°C to preserve its nutritional properties.  

Incorporate it into your favorite desserts such as compotes, smoothies, fruit salads, banana purees, yogurts or cottage cheeses for a touch of flavor and well-being.

Nutrient Associations

Acerola pairs perfectly with other superfoods for targeted effects:

  • Reinforced immunity  : Honey and acerola
  • Winter prevention  : combine it with elderflower, honey of your choice or eucalyptus leaves.
  • Energy and vitality  : mix it with guarana. Guarana will contain caffeine.

Nutritional Profile of Acerola

Acerola is distinguished by its richness in vitamin C (ascorbic acid) surpassing that of oranges by 20 to 30 times . It ranks third among the fruits richest in vitamin C, with 1,000 to 2,000 mg per 100 g of fresh fruit, just after Terminalia ferdinandiana and Camu-Camu.     

To best preserve vitamin C and other nutrients, the fruits are dehydrated at low temperature, below 40°C . 

Acerola contains vitamins B6, B1 (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine), vitamin A, essential minerals (iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium), as well as other antioxidants such as flavonoids and anthocyanins.

On the competitor's website we can read that acerola is rich in vitamin C: Abundant in vitamin C - helps defend cells against oxidative stress; promotes normal collagen synthesis to ensure the ordinary health of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, teeth, gums and epidermis; supports regular energy metabolism; supports the proper functioning of the nervous system; supports the proper functioning of the immune system; helps to reduce fatigue; stimulates iron absorption. 

Here we recommend you to speak with your doctor and pharmacist about its claims. 


I offer you here a short guide to growing Acerola in Brazil with this variety guide.

In the northeastern region of Brazil , acerola is grown in abundance, notably in the states of Bahia and Pernambuco . More than 800 hectares are dedicated to it, testifying to the popularity of this fruit rich in vitamin C. Unlike the southern and southeastern regions, where cooler winter temperatures limit its presence, the northeast offers ideal conditions for cultivation acerola.     

Sweet Varieties of Acerola for Commercial Cultivation:

  • Manoa Sweet (4-43)  : With its reddish-yellow fruits, this variety is perfect for home gardens.
  • Tropical Ruby (9-68)  : Growing up to five meters, it is similar to Manoa Sweet in terms of fruit.
  • Hawaiian Queen (8E-32)  : Requires single trunk pruning, ideal for immediate consumption.

Acid Varieties of Acerola and Their Characteristics

  • JH Beaumont (3B-21)  : A compact clone that produces orange-reddish fruits and offers good productivity.
  • CF Rehnborg (22-40)  : Known for its high productivity and large, dark red fruits, but with less vitamin C.
  • F. Haley (3A-8)  : Adapted to arid regions, it offers medium-sized red-purple fruits.
  • Red Jumbo (3B-1)  : A small but prolific shrub, with large, attractive cherry red to purple fruits.
  • Maunawili (8)  : Excellent in humid areas, it produces vibrant cherry red fruits.


Acerolas are classified into sweet and sour varieties. The acidic varieties are richer in vitamin C. The varieties with sweet fruits are recommended for the consumption of normal fruit, while the varieties with acidic fruits are recommended for industrialization and in particular for the powdered acerola that we sell in Europe. 


Chromatic transformation of acerola during its maturation: a biochemical and hormonal symphony

The color metamorphosis that acerola (Malpighia emarginata) undergoes during its maturation is a fascinating spectacle orchestrated by biochemical and hormonal processes. Let's decipher together the mysteries of this astonishing transformation.

Chlorophyll: The conductor of the green color  Chlorophyll, the pigment of the green color of plants, sees its role weaken during maturation. Under the influence of ethylene, this gas gradually breaks down the chlorophyll molecules in the skin of the fruit. Like the notes of a score fading, the chlorophyll dissipates, giving way to a palette of red and yellow.

Ethylene: The Hormone That Directs Maturity  Ethylene, this prodigious plant hormone, is the conductor of maturation. Produced by the fruits themselves, it initiates a cascade of reactions by binding to the plant's receptors. This molecular ballet leads to physicochemical modifications, notably color change, thus signaling the peak of maturity.

But be careful, you have different varieties of acerola with colors that will change. The F.Haley acerola will have a candy pink powder, the Beaumont acerola will have a rather brown color. Now you understand the color variation in our powdered acerola. 


Optimization of acerola cultivation, you will understand why Brazil is the leader in acerola production. 

The success of acerola cultivation relies on a well-thought-out fertilization and nutrition strategy, particularly for export orchards.

I have personally been to the most beautiful orchards in Brazil in different acerola powder production factories to be able to select this natural vitamin C.

Fertilization represents a crucial lever for boosting productivity. In order to optimize the use of fertilizers, the grower must rely on fundamental methods: soil analysis, examination of leaves, detection of signs of nutritional deficiencies and understanding of the elements influencing the availability of nutrients. .

  • Ideal environment for acerola

Acerola thrives in tropical and subtropical areas, showing resilience to temperatures near freezing. Optimal yield is observed with annual precipitation of 1200 to 1600 mm, uniformly distributed. The plant is not demanding in terms of soil type, adapting equally well to sandy and clayey soils.

  • Careful harvest

Harvesting acerolas, whether for direct consumption or processing into juice for export, must be carried out with care. Harvesters must be trained specifically for this task. Fruits intended for long journeys should be picked when fully ripe. It is essential to handle fruits with care to avoid any damage that accelerates their deterioration. When packaging, the number of layers must be limited to prevent crushing of the fruit underneath.

  • Polyculture in acerola orchards

Mixed farming is possible in acerola orchards, with certain precautions, particularly regarding the irrigation system. This practice is more widespread with sprinkler irrigation or during the rainy season. Compatible crops include beans, corn, tomatoes, watermelon and melon.

  • Disease management

Sigatoka, identifiable by small necrotic spots on the leaves, can be controlled with copper-based treatments. Two other diseases, verrugosis and anthracnose, threaten acerola orchards, especially in the presence of papaya and pomegranate trees. To minimize risks, it is best to avoid mixed farming.

  • Adapted irrigation systems

Acerola accommodates various irrigation systems, such as conventional sprinkler, center pivot, furrow and drip. Furrow and drip systems are recommended for mixed soils, while sprinkler and pivot are more suitable for sandy soils.

  • Planting and care

Planting is carried out when the plants measure between 30 and 40 cm. They are then attached to stakes with wide ribbons to guide their growth without strangling them. In the absence of rain, frequent watering is recommended.

  • Size and formation

Training pruning is necessary after resuming to develop a single trunk and direct three to four main branches which will constitute the crown structure.

  • Pest Control

Aphids, weevils and nematodes represent threats to acerola. Specific treatments, such as mineral oil, parathion and the use of legumes, are effective in controlling them.

  • Land preparation and propagation

The land must be prepared by plowing and harrowing. Propagation can be done by seeds, cuttings or grafting, with a preference for seeds. 


Acerola will be easily used in everyday life. In a cake, you will simply put a teaspoon. Acerola is one of the easiest fruit powders to use. 

  1. In drinks  :

    • Mix half a teaspoon of acerola powder into your juice, smoothie, or even a glass of water in the morning for a vitamin C boost.  
  2. As a culinary ingredient  :

    • Sprinkle a little powder on your fruit salads or cereals to enrich your meals with nutrients.
  3. In the recipes  :

    • Incorporate powdered acerola into your energy bar, cake or cookie recipes for an extra nutritious touch.
  4. Dietary supplement  :

    • Use the powder as a dietary supplement following the dosage recommendations on the package, usually one teaspoon per day.

Tip  : Always start with a small amount to see how your body reacts, and gradually increase if necessary and according to product recommendations.

You like acerola, then discover my blog and come discover my Brazilian recipes. 


In addition to my recipes on my blog, I offer you 8 unique recipes with acerola: 

  1. Acerola energy smoothie:

    • Mix a banana, a handful of frozen berries, natural yogurt and a teaspoon of acerola powder in a blender.
    • Add a little milk or orange juice to adjust the consistency.
    • Mix until you obtain a homogeneous mixture and enjoy chilled.
  2. Acerola energy bars:

    • In a bowl, mix oatmeal, chia seeds, crushed almonds, shredded coconut and a tablespoon of acerola powder.
    • Add honey or maple syrup to bind the ingredients.
    • Press the mixture into a square dish and place it in the refrigerator for a few hours.
    • Cut into bars and keep them cool for an energy snack.
  3. Acerola muffins:

    • Prepare a muffin batter by mixing flour, sugar, baking powder, milk, oil and an egg.
    • Add a tablespoon of acerola powder for an extra touch of vitamin C.
    • Pour the batter into muffin tins and bake until golden brown and cooked through.
  4. Acerola barbecue sauce:

    • In a saucepan, mix ketchup, cider vinegar, honey, Worcestershire sauce, chopped garlic and a teaspoon of acerola powder.
    • Simmer over low heat for a few minutes until the sauce thickens.
    • Use this barbecue sauce to glaze pork ribs or grilled chicken.
  5. Homemade acerola granola:

    • In a large bowl, combine oatmeal, nuts, pumpkin seeds, shredded coconut and a tablespoon of acerola powder.
    • Add honey or maple syrup to lightly sweeten.
    • Spread the mixture on a baking tray and bake until the granola is crispy.
    • Serve it with yogurt or milk for a nutritious breakfast.
  6. Refreshing acerola drink:

    • Mix sparkling water with fresh lemon juice, agave syrup and a pinch of acerola powder.
    • Add ice cubes and a few mint leaves for a touch of freshness.
    • Stir well and serve in glasses with a slice of lemon as garnish.
  7. Acerola sorbet:

    • In a blender, combine frozen fruits such as strawberries, raspberries and mangoes with a tablespoon of acerola powder.
    • Add a little water or fruit juice to make mixing easier.
    • Blend until smooth and creamy, then serve immediately for a refreshing dessert.
  8. Acerola vinaigrette:

    • Mix balsamic vinegar, olive oil, Dijon mustard, honey, chopped garlic and a teaspoon of acerola powder in a bowl.
    • Whisk well to emulsify the vinaigrette.
    • Use this vinaigrette to season a green salad or fruit salad for a tangy and vitamin-filled touch.


You are looking for a superfood to boost your vitality, your sales of acerola powder or an acerola for your store.

Do not look any further ! Le Comptoir de Toamasina is proud to present Acerola, a treasure of nature, imported directly from its lands of origin.

Acerola, also known as the Barbados cherry, is a small, bright red berry that is packed with vitamin C. In fact, it contains 20 to 30 times more vitamin C than oranges! Imagine the boost this could give your immune system.

At Comptoir de Toamasina, we are committed to providing you with the highest quality Acerola. Our fruits are harvested by hand and transformed into powder. 

The factory with which we work has ANVISA certification.

But that's not all. By choosing Le Comptoir de Toamasina, you are also supporting a company that believes in fairness and sustainability. We have a small company in Brazil, to select and export acerola and work directly or as close as possible to the producer.

Buy acerola at Kilo at the best value for money. 

Native country
Malphighia punicifolia
Acerola Powder
Preparation / Delivery
Preparation within 24 hours - Delivery within 48 hours
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