50g Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans
50g Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans
50g Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans
50g Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans
50g Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans
50g Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans
50g Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans
50g Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans
50g Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans
50g Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans

50g Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Beans

50g Bourbon Madagascar vanilla pods, gourmet or extra * quality, from 14 to 16 cm and 17cm to 21cm depending on the batch.

Bourbon Madagascar vanilla pods are bright, fleshy, mellow, shiny, black, fragrant and not split.

Our Madagascar Bourbon vanilla bean in its economical size offers hints of chocolate and caramel. average of 10 to 12 or more pods

  • Main Notes: Cocoa and Caramel
  • Aromatic: The star of pastry. A vanilla pod with an intense fragrance of gourmet vanilla, the most intense of vanilla
  • Quality: Gourmet - Extra with the respect of a long ripening

Discover the best of the world of vanilla, Bourbon vanilla from Madagascar, an intense vanilla pod.

Tax included


50g Madagascar bourbon vanilla pods - gourmet quality

Purchase and sale of gourmet quality Madagascar bourbon vanilla pods. In our 50g format of Madagascar bourbon vanilla pods, you will buy between 12 and 15 vanilla pods with incredible intensity.

Since 2010, Le Comptoir de Toamasina has been the specialist in the world of Madagascar vanilla. An intensely flavored vanilla with a touch of cocoa.

We only offer quality vanilla, called gourmet or extra quality in Europe and category A in the USA.

Our natural vanilla is ideal for creative cooking. Here, you will buy the most beautiful vanilla pods at the best value for money and above all blog, learn everything about the cultivation of bourbon vanilla and the history of vanilla.

Our Bourbon Vanilla Pods from Madagascar in 50g format, a true culinary experience imbued with premium quality.

Immerse yourself in a world of delights where bourbon vanilla reveals all its splendor. Our Premium selection is characterized by exceptional pods, loaded with subtle aromas and unrivaled intensity.

You will find a superior quality Madagascar vanilla pod, fleshy, supple, and shiny. It will flavor the pastry wonderfully.

With us, at Comptoir de Toamasina, each vanilla pod is a promise of satisfaction, since we provide you with the fruit of a meticulous and passionate harvest, from Madagascar. We only sell gourmet quality. Here, vanilla producers must take time and work the vanilla with unique know-how to produce this quality.

Opt for a unique sensory experience, where deliciousness and authenticity combine in every gram of our precious pods.

Explore our Premium range of bourbon vanilla, known for its finesse, suppleness, and refined fragrance. As vanilla specialists since 2010, we offer you the opportunity to transform your culinary preparations into true gourmet works of art. Pleasure and excellence come together in each 50g sachet, directly from the know-how of our passionate team. Discover the very essence of Madagascar bourbon vanilla and enjoy an exceptional gastronomic experience with our Premium quality pods.

The Exceptional Quality of Our Gourmet Quality Madagascar Vanilla

A spice and a passion, here are the words of our little princess.

So explore culinary excellence with “The Exceptional Quality of Our Gourmet Quality Madagascar Vanilla” at Comptoir de Toamasina.

Our vanilla pods, resulting from a meticulous selection, promise an unparalleled taste experience.

Carefully chosen, they are characterized by their richness, their softness and their captivating scent.

The Madagascar bourbon vanilla we offer transcends your desserts and dishes, transforming your kitchen into a sanctuary of daily inspiration.

Our commitment to exceptional quality at a competitive price is at the heart of our offering.

At Comptoir de Toamasina, we offer you the opportunity to savor the best of Madagascar bourbon vanilla, without any compromise.

Each pod, a true sensory treasure, guarantees an exceptional taste experience. Bursting with flavor, our gourmet vanilla pods reveal an incomparable aromatic richness, making each culinary creation a work of art.

Choose authenticity with our Madagascar vanilla, a true olfactory and taste journey. Transform your recipes into true gourmet masterpieces with “The Exceptional Quality of Our Gourmet Quality Madagascar Vanilla” from Comptoir de Toamasina.

Immerse yourself in an exceptional culinary experience, where each pod embodies excellence and passion for Madagascar vanilla.

The Choice of the Comptoir de Toamasina

Le Choix du Comptoir de Toamasina" guarantees you an unrivaled taste experience with our exceptional quality vanilla pods.

Founded by Arnaud, a passionate expert, trained by a producer in Madagascar, Comptoir de Toamasina has stood out since 2010 as a French vanilla specialist.

Arnaud, with his know-how and his quest for the best plantations, is committed to offering you the best of Madagascar bourbon vanilla.

Every year, he reveals his ranking of the best vanilla pods. The ranking is based on value for money.

By choosing our vanillas and spices, you are opting for excellence, embodied by vanilla pods carefully selected for their aromatic richness, flexibility and intensity.

Explore a universe where each pod is a sensory treasure, transforming your culinary creations into gourmet works of art.

On our blog, immerse yourself in the fascinating world of vanilla. Discover exclusive recipes and deepen your knowledge of this exceptional ingredient.

At Comptoir de Toamasina, we share our passion for vanilla, offering rich and informative content for lovers of creative cuisine.

Make the informed choice of Comptoir de Toamasina and embark on a taste journey where excellence, passion and authenticity await you.

The Quality Commitment for premium gourmet quality vanilla

The Quality Commitment for premium gourmet quality vanilla is at the heart of our approach at Comptoir de Toamasina.

Our commitment to the exceptional quality of our black vanilla bean begins with training to purchase it from vanilla producers, establishing privileged relationships to learn about vanilla cultivation particularly in Maroantsetra, the vanilla capital of Madagascar.

This proximity guarantees not only the traceability of our products, but also the meticulous selection of the best pods, imbued with the very essence of Malagasy culture.

In a constant quest for excellence, we extend our commitment beyond the Malagasy borders.

Currently, we are exploring vanilla cultivation in Brazil, a careful process aimed at expanding our exceptional offering.

This approach reflects our desire to diversify sources while maintaining the rigorous quality standards that make our reputation.

With “The Quality Commitment for gourmet quality vanilla”, we assure you a unique taste experience, where each pod bears the signature of our dedication to excellence.

Join us on this sensory adventure, where quality and authenticity are the pillars of our commitment to you, lovers of exceptional vanilla.

Formats Adapted to Your Needs - A black bourbon vanilla pod

Formats Adapted to Your Needs - A Madagascar black bourbon vanilla pod - gourmet quality is synonymous with a flexible, delicious, intense vanilla with lots of vanilla beans from Comptoir de Toamasina.

  We understand that every customer has different needs, which is why we offer a range of varied packaging to suit all preferences.

You have the possibility to choose between several options, whether in terms of total weight or pod units. For example, opt for our 50g format, and you will receive approximately 15 gourmet quality pods, carefully calibrated between 14 and 16 cm. This flexibility aims to provide you with the best possible shopping experience, matching your specific requirements.

With us, each dark bourbon vanilla pod represents a promise of quality and satisfaction. Whether you need a small quantity for a specific recipe or want to stock up for your long-term culinary creations, our formats tailored to your needs give you the freedom to choose according to your preferences. Discover the excellence of our black bourbon vanilla beans, with the flexibility that adapts to your cooking style.

How to Properly Use your Bourbon Vanilla Bean

Culinary Inspiration with the vanilla pod will open the doors to a rich and diverse culinary universe at Comptoir de Toamasina.

Our complete range of products, from whole pods to vanilla extracts and concentrates, has been designed to stimulate your baking creativity.

Explore the breadth of our offerings and discover endless possibilities to enrich your pastry creations.

Whether you're looking for the subtlety of whole pods or the practicality of extracts and concentrates, we have what you need to transform each recipe into a gourmet work of art.

Our world-renowned Madagascar Vanilla is the magical ingredient that brings powerful cocoa notes and exceptional aromatic intensity to every bite. Each product we offer is an invitation to culinary inspiration, where gourmet quality Madagascar bourbon vanilla is positioned as the protagonist of your most delicious creations.

Whether you are a passionate amateur or an experienced chef, let yourself be guided by our recipes on our vanilla and spices blog.

Conservation and Optimum Use

Learn how to preserve your vanilla beans by following our simple tips. Protected from light, temperature shocks and humidity, your pods will retain their delicate aromas. Avoid cork containers and favor glass, iron or PET boxes specially designed by Comptoir de Toamasina.

Intense Flavors of Madagascar Black Vanilla - Best Vanilla Bean

Our Madagascar bourbon vanilla is distinguished by its lingering notes on the palate, subtly blending cocoa and deep vanilla. Each pod bears witness to the exceptional aromatic richness, making your culinary experience a true sensory journey.

Prices and Trends in the Vanilla Market With the Vanilla Counter

Madagascar vanilla is prized throughout the world, representing 80% of global production. Its growing demand, combined with unfavorable climatic conditions and security challenges, has led to a significant increase in its price.

On our blog, read our article on the price of vanilla to find out everything about the evolution of this princess over time.

Arnaud creator of Comptoir de Toamasina - Vanilla specialist since 2010

Arnaud, créateur du Comptoir de Toamasina - Spécialiste de la vanille depuis 2010" incarne une expertise exceptionnelle dans le monde de la vanille. Depuis la fondation du Comptoir de Toamasina en 2010, Arnaud s'est imposé comme un expert passionné dédié à offrir une expérience gustative incomparable.

Formé par une productrice à Madagascar, Arnaud a acquis un savoir-faire unique dans la sélection des meilleures plantations et la transformation de la vanille. Son engagement envers la qualité se reflète dans chaque gousse que nous proposons.

Au-delà d'être le créateur du Comptoir de Toamasina, Arnaud est également un pionnier qui teste actuellement la culture de la vanille au Brésil, élargissant ainsi notre quête de l'excellence à l'échelle mondiale.

N'hésitez pas à découvrir sur notre chaîne youtube comment saler avec du sel à la vanille. Vous allez aussi découvrir pourquoi les gousses de vanille sont récoltées à la main. 

La vanille est la deuxième épice la plus chère au monde après le safran pistils néguine. Bon à savoir c'est l'or de la dernière semaine plus les deux que le pied de vanillier va donner le taux de vanilline à la vanille verte. 

Maintenant vous savez que pour avoir cette gousse de première qualité il faut du temps et des méthodes de culture uniques. De la vanille verte à la vanille noire il faut 1 an pour produire cette précieuse épice. 

Découvrez sur notre blog comment faire de l'extrait de vanille liquide et pourquoi la vanille sous vide est interdit à l'exportation à Madagascar.

Sur notre blog, découvrez les histoires fascinantes et les aventures de notre créateur, ainsi que des articles détaillés sur le monde de la vanille. "Arnaud, créateur du Comptoir de Toamasina - Spécialiste de la vanille depuis 2010" n'est pas seulement une déclaration, c'est une promesse d'authenticité et de passion pour la vanille que vous retrouvez dans chacun de nos produits. Rejoignez-nous dans cette aventure culinaire, où l'expertise et la passion se rencontrent pour créer des expériences gustatives mémorables.

Native country
Vanilla Planifolia
Bourbon Vanilla from Madagascar Gourmet Quality
Bag of 50g
Preparation / Delivery
Preparation in 24 hours - Delivery within 48 hours
1 Reviews

Belle Qualité et Bon Rapport qualité prix
C'est mon deuxième achat au Comptoir de Toamasina, et vous n'allez pas être déçu de votre achat. La vanille est de très belle qualité, charnue, souple et luisante. Bon parfum
By arnaud on 06/12/2024

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